So over the course of the last year, I've embarked on an audio journey. 150db's under 30hz with only two 12's. I'll post a video in the comments here in the next day or two. I started out with one 12" Infinity, then went to a single 15" Tantric Md, and now we are up to two 12" Phantom Soundz. I'm working currently on upgrading the cars electrical to up the power. I'm shooting for 6k total walls continuous or RMS which ever you prefer to call it. I do plan on doing competition audio. I'll run a Banda Viking 5k to the subs. In the front stage, I'm fiberglassing a set of Mmats Pro5 components into the A-Pillars, then putting a .25 cuft sealed enclosure in the front doors that will house a 6.5" Exodus Anarchy in each door. I'll power them with two two channel amps, I was going to use the Massive Nano's but I keep hearing they run hot and these amps will be flush mounted on the sides of the center console. The 5k unfortunatly will be mounted to the box. I really don't want too, but there is literally no room anywhere else. Electrical wise I'll run for now a JS Ultimate 200a alt. New guy but have heard great things so far. Then I'm removing the Air Box, installing a RAM air, and putting two banks (12 total) 3000f Maxwell Ultra Capacitors. 2/0 Audio wire to tranfer power, then 1/0 and 4g Knu wire on the inside where it will be seen NEON GREEN KANDY KABLE!!!!!!!!!!
That link is to my half assed build log. I'll update descriiptions in the future.