I bought my 2005 on the cheap from a guy who bought it as a repo. I put about $1500 into it and that includes a cruise, timing assembly, water pump, alternator, exhaust repair, getting the tranny to shift properly, and some other minor misc. The car looked like it had sat for some time...lots of pine pitch on the exterior and a squirrel living by the battery. I figured it hadn't been used in at least a year. Turns out I was right. Found some notations in the service record in the owner's manual that I had missed previously. The original engine seized a couple years ago and was replaced with an engine with 35k LESS milesMy guess is he had the engine put in but couldn't figure out how to get it to synch with the auto tranny as when I bought it, it would not get past 3rd gear. At that point he prob said screw it and parked it in the yard and quit making payments...or some other hardship befell him. Bottom line is the engine has about 91K on it so my deal got a little sweeter. Merry Christmas to me