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    Thread: Need to hear some positive things

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    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Need to hear some positive things

      Ok so I knew going into buying this little car that it was no high end top of line car. But for the life of me I can't find any good things about the poor car. Can I get a little assurance that I did not make a huge mistake by buying this 2008 aveo ls with 28k on it.

      Not trying to be "that guy" but I could use some positive info right now.

    2. #2
      Still love my daily driver classic67's Avatar
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      Whats wrong with it. Is it a hatch or sedan auto or 5spd does it have cruise? i love aveo its an 07 hatch it has problems but some you just cant get around its loud on the inside road noise its underpowered. It is a eco car but it also has good stuff great mpg ,sunroof rear wiper and its a tough little car with a cold air and some exhaust work and coilovers and other odds and ends it gets me where i need with a smile. Just take it for what it is, You can make it something cool for cheap.

    3. #3
      I'll keep it and add a turbo Aveo5_boy's Avatar
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      I have an 08 Aveo5 and I fell in love with this car from the first day I sat in it! It has sunroof, heated side mirrors, power door locks/windows, A/C, etc......If you were looking for something more like a Mini Cooper S then I think you did make a mistake in your purchase.

    4. #4
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      Quote Originally Posted by dc967506 View Post
      ... I can't find any good things about the poor car ....
      Your commentary is WAY too vague. Start by letting us what a "good thing" is. And you need to say specifically what you feel are problems. Then you might get some feedback related to those things.

    5. #5
      Still love my daily driver Thymeclock's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by dc967506 View Post
      Ok so I knew going into buying this little car that it was no high end top of line car. But for the life of me I can't find any good things about the poor car. Can I get a little assurance that I did not make a huge mistake by buying this 2008 aveo ls with 28k on it.

      Not trying to be "that guy" but I could use some positive info right now.
      Well, what did you like about it when you bought it? Usually people don't buy a car unless they like it, mostly.

      The only thing that will make me hate a car is if things often go wrong with it. So far, the few problems encountered have been minor ones.

      I bought ours as a commuter car for my wife and she loves it. If she's happy, I'm happy.

      Or are you referring to what others (professional reviewers) say about Aveos? They are never going to say anything positive about it, so ignore that.

      It reminds me of the old joke about two guys who meet on the street. One asks "How's your wife?" The other replies "Compared to what?"

    6. #6
      What's wrong with my car?
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      I bought it for a few reasons, it had very low miles got a great deal on it. Also I feel very comfortable in it, I am kind of a bigger guy and I fit well in the seats. I also just kind of liked it, i thought for a cheaper car it looked really good. I don't know I have just read a lot of negative stuff from this site about it, but i guess there have to be some positive things about it to have this many people who are on site dedicated to the car. The only thing i see that scares the ever loving crap out of me is the stuff about the timing belt.... I think I will change mine at like 40k just to be safe.

    7. #7
      I'll keep it and add a turbo Aveo5_boy's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by dc967506 View Post
      The only thing i see that scares the ever loving crap out of me is the stuff about the timing belt.... I think I will change mine at like 40k just to be safe.
      A lot of forums I browse through of different vehicles are always flooded of negative posts of their cars....it's where you can discuss your issues with others and manufacturers if they choose to can learn from it and improve.

      IMO 40K is a little premature to replace your belt as I don't think 08 Aveo's had the same number of belt snappings as earlier models. I replaced mine at 56K and the belt looked in great shape so if you choose to you can wait until the 60K mark.

    8. #8
      What's wrong with my car?
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      my timing belt snapped at 140k. cost time and money oh yes and valves and valve seals. i still love my car which is six years on the road and 300k later. doing your maintenance and repairs your selves will save you a barrel of money. the dealerships are a ripoff nightmare. just as the cost of oem parts. find substitute replacement parts which can fit and yet fit and feel original. i do.

      send me a holler if you need a factory service manual
      . synticer2kids@yahoo.com. i just might answer
      Last edited by synticer; 05-14-2013 at 05:59 PM.

    9. #9
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      Quote Originally Posted by synticer View Post
      my timing belt snapped at 140k. ...
      Very unfortunate, but inquiring minds want to know how many times the belt had been changed, and at what mileage? And also the year.

    10. #10
      Still love my daily driver Thymeclock's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by dc967506 View Post
      I bought it for a few reasons, it had very low miles got a great deal on it. Also I feel very comfortable in it, I am kind of a bigger guy and I fit well in the seats. I also just kind of liked it, i thought for a cheaper car it looked really good. I don't know I have just read a lot of negative stuff from this site about it, but i guess there have to be some positive things about it to have this many people who are on site dedicated to the car. The only thing i see that scares the ever loving crap out of me is the stuff about the timing belt.... I think I will change mine at like 40k just to be safe.
      No need to do it at 40K as that's premature. Over the years I've owned quite a few Asian cars and actually regret when having changed the belt at 60K because the belts always looked good and would have lasted a lot longer than that. They apparently changed the recommendation on the 2009 to 100K because the engine is different. But since yours is a 2008 it would be best to do it at the recommended interval.

      When the timing belt is changed it is good to change the tensioner and water pump as well and any other related parts that are in that area, whether needed or not. The labor of disassembling that part of the engine is considerable (meaning $$). Therefore it is cost effective to replace the other stuff at the same time as a preventive measure, rather than have to pay the labor costs again down the road.

      Apparently you bought it used. Did you buy it from a dealer and get any warranty on it?

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