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    Thread: Please Help! Stalling, violent idle, no acceleration

    1. #61
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      If the diagram from the link is correct (I’m not saying it is!) then you should have a definite ground and power +12v, with your signal running to the ecm.
      There is a fuse that supplies power to this sensor (check that first, although I would think there would be other things missing if the fuse was bad, but just to know ,check it anyways).

      With the fuse removed, you should likely still see your 2.5v on both signal and power pins because I believe it is coming from the pull up resistor embedded in the ecm circuitry.

      If you believe the circuit diagram is correct, you could run a wire from the fused side of the circuit to the connector , back probing would be easiest (likely) to get power to the sensor cable. You Need To Verify That Connection Should Be 12v!

      If your willing to trace the wiring then use your ohm-meter to check for continuity, this will be difficult without a schematic. As well verify the pins on the connector are in good shape and no corrosion is present.


    2. #62
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Similar problems have been posted on here regarding these cars doing this, and from what I have read, the problem tends to be the valve cover gasket leaking oil, and pooling in the spark plug wells in the top of the motor, causing the spark plug wires to short to ground on the top of the engine. Remove the top cover off of the engine, and check the boots for carbon tracking, and look for oil, or traces of oil around the spark plugs.

      Hope this helps. Good luck, and let me know what you find.

    3. #63
      Should I keep it?
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      possibly some bad fuel.... drain and replace....pull coil rail and test with all plugs connected... there you tube video on how to test coil rail.... check for good blue spark...fuel pressure??possibly weak pump

    4. #64
      Should I keep it?
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      PCV possibly... only fix is to replace valve cover... good luck

    5. #65
      Should I keep it?
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      Quote Originally Posted by Hoosiertrucker View Post
      Similar problems have been posted on here regarding these cars doing this, and from what I have read, the problem tends to be the valve cover gasket leaking oil, and pooling in the spark plug wells in the top of the motor, causing the spark plug wires to short to ground on the top of the engine. Remove the top cover off of the engine, and check the boots for carbon tracking, and look for oil, or traces of oil around the spark plugs.

      Hope this helps. Good luck, and let me know what you find.
      My valve cover gasket and plugs/wires were just recently replaced. I did verify they are still bone dry though. Thanks for the suggestion

    6. #66
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      Quote Originally Posted by viciousvīc View Post
      PCV possibly... only fix is to replace valve cover... good luck
      I tried running without pcv valve which should have let any excess pressure bleed off and it made no difference. I was also thinking bad fuel initially as well but I was about halfway through the tank of gas I got a few days before it stopped running. That and the fact that it still fires right up and runs normal for 5-10 seconds led me to believe it wasn't fuel.

    7. #67
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      I'd still remove fuel line from injector and fill quart glass jar....it wud only take small drops water to plug up injector....water does not compress.... when pressure is removed water will give way to good fuel to injector.... as soon as you turn key on pressure builds... giving you only seconds of fuel.... is car automatic or manual trans.... if manual try pull starting.... see if you can get it to run few blocks.... this might also set a new DTC .... somewhere else or new to look for ideas... good luck... drain all fuel.... this can give you a lean run for few seconds... now you can control the fuel source.... start looking for chafing on wiring...eg. coil...injector... crank sensor.... cam sensor... all the time you have put into this... makes me think simplest solution.... stick with it... curiosity got me edge of my seat...

    8. #68
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      pcv is part of valve cover... not sure If you can bypass... you tube has pcv diagnostics ...

    9. #69
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      I had similar symptoms, various symptoms led to the fuel hitting the cat converter being too hot for it too handle over time. Had it replaced under the little known federal warranty. The service guys showed me a mangled mess. Basically, it was just clogging everything up. New cat, ran fine, no codes.

      I didn't address the underlying issues fully, and I'm fiddling with an exhaust that has sprung various holes/gaps that don't seal long with exhaust cement, but it runs, just a little loud.

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