
    View Poll Results: How long do you plan to keep your Aveo?

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    • Forever! Or until it becomes too unreliable to keep driving.

      16 53.33%
    • No real plans. It's paid for and working fine.

      12 40.00%
    • A few years. Once it's paid off, I'll start looking for something else.

      0 0%
    • Less than a year... I'm already looking for something else.

      2 6.67%
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    Thread: Poll: how long do you plan to keep your Aveo?

    1. #11
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Well, it has 341,000 miles on it now.....Original engine and transmission....We'll see..it might make it to 400k...

    2. #12
      Should I keep it? Merlins_Holden's Avatar
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      Partsguy, that is freaking crazy high miles! I just hit 90,000 which I thought was pretty good, but damn!

    3. #13
      What do you mean there's no turbo? gclark8's Avatar
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      My 2011 TK Barina is now 4 1/2 years old with 8,100 km on it. It currently gets a minor dealer service every year. After initial setup, springs and tow bar, its all cool. (see Garage)
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    4. #14
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      8100 km!! That's astounding.

      You drive less than I do! (About 5k km a year)

      Now I'm curious, gclark8: what was your previous car & how many km on it when you got rid of it?

    5. #15
      What do you mean there's no turbo? gclark8's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by MetroMPG View Post
      8100 km!! That's astounding.

      You drive less than I do! (About 5k km a year)

      Now I'm curious, gclark8: what was your previous car & how many km on it when you got rid of it?
      The previous car (see Garage) was a '96 Holden Barina SB, a Spanish Built Opel, I don't recall its mileage, however, I only did 5,000km in the 2 years that I had it. I sold it to the Powder Coater who did the wheels for me, I was doing bicycle restoration for a hobby at that time.
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    6. The Following User Says Thank You to gclark8 For This Useful Post:

      MetroMPG (11-25-2015)

    7. #16
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      I like the powder coated wheel finish on your previous one.

    8. The Following User Says Thank You to MetroMPG For This Useful Post:

      gclark8 (11-25-2015)

    9. #17
      What's wrong with my car?
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      233,xxx miles and counting as of my last stop in the oil change place yesterday.

      2007 hatchback, original engine and trans.

      i've got about $4k into maintenance/repairs in the last few years of ownership, but with my high mileage driving schedule (3000 miles or more a month) thats a given. michigan roads are hell on steering and suspension parts.

      car still very driveable, i expect it'll live to see another full set of tires worn off it - but by late spring or early summer '16 i will be shopping for its (eventual) replacement. once i've got a backup parked in the driveway i've not decided if i'm gonna drive it till the wheels fall off or tne engine grenades, or sell it for whatever i can get outa it.

    10. #18
      What's wrong with my car?
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      I have about 98k Mikes on it, I just put $1800 into it for VCgaskrts, tuneup, waterpump, timing belt and the air intake to the throttle body with various hoses to rid a check engine lite.
      That was 6k miles ago. As others have stated, the car is relatively in great shape and I hope yo get another 100 out of it. I love not having car payments and very good gas milage.
      I use it for work and the 5 speed makes it gun to drive.
      I've got a 1990 35th aniversary super coupe T Bird in the garage...
      The T bird runs and gives me my speed fix on when i need that..
      Happy New Year everyone!

    11. #19
      Still love my daily driver Thymeclock's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by MetroMPG View Post
      How attached are you to your car? Do you love it and plan to maintain it as long as possible, or is it just a stepping stone on the way to eventually getting something else?

      What's the longest you've ever kept a car?

      My current daily driver in winter is an '89 Mitsubishi Galant. It's been garaged since new and the body is perfect; it's mechanically excellent also at 100K, and it still drives like when it was new. But road salt is the kiss of death to cars. I also have an '88 Caprice wagon with 35K miles on it, as I only use it to transport heavy loads. It's not garaged and the paint was failing, so I repainted it to keep it from rusting. Most cars will last for decades if they are well maintained. Garaging is half the battle.

    12. #20
      What do you mean there's no turbo? northguest47's Avatar
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      my '06 swift+ is the first and only car i've ever bought brand new. i had just finished a bad experience with a second hand lemon that cost so much in payments and repairs, i could have leased a bmw m5 and saved money.. so when i bought this flavour of Aveo i thought to myself if i get 10 years out of this car i can look back and be proud of my purchase. well its 110k miles and still going and really has only required the same maintenance i'd expect from any car. less is more, is how i would summarize my experience so far and ive been so less stressed being car-payment free and dealing with an expected amount of cash and effort to keep it running in great shape. i still believe this body shape and interior are almost timeless in elegance and simplicity.. theres just something neat about whatever the designers were thinking/going for. is the Aveo just a budget car or was it frankensteined from bits of this 'n that, i wonder.. my technical advisor mechanic friend when working on it for the first time said he kept seeing vw references all over it. i think about a new car, but then part of me says, why dont you just keep what you got and be happy to mod it for a pittance of what a new car would cost, and i think, yeah thats so true. Keepin it for sure.

      Last edited by northguest47; 01-19-2016 at 08:01 AM.

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