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    Thread: Recall Fears...

    1. #11
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      What's the worry? Dont want the recall work done? Dont go get it done. It's for the Daytine running lamps.. How many of us have them disabled / unplugged anyhow?

      Mine's ready for a burnin anyways.. I havent been back to the stealership since Slob Johnson Chevy in Rochester messed my alignment up at 30k and then made me feel like an idiot for complaining about it. Now that it got all crumpled up and look's like **** and has over 140,000 miles.. I'll just take what I can get. I imagine a strut is going to rust through the badly rusting strut tower's before it get's attacked by a defective circuit board..

      Hope I don't seem like to much of jerk, but I would have been a lot less of a mouthy jerk if my dealership would have taken care of me while they had their chances.

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    2. #12
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      in for the gm rep to ask for your vin and first born child

    3. #13
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      i believe since he referred to a rust issue, he will have to provide his proctology results as well.

    4. #14
      Still love my daily driver Thymeclock's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by DailyDriverMark View Post
      What's the worry? Dont want the recall work done? Dont go get it done. It's for the Daytine running lamps.. How many of us have them disabled / unplugged anyhow?

      Mine's ready for a burnin anyways.. I havent been back to the stealership since Slob Johnson Chevy in Rochester messed my alignment up at 30k and then made me feel like an idiot for complaining about it. Now that it got all crumpled up and look's like **** and has over 140,000 miles.. I'll just take what I can get. I imagine a strut is going to rust through the badly rusting strut tower's before it get's attacked by a defective circuit board..

      Hope I don't seem like to much of jerk, but I would have been a lot less of a mouthy jerk if my dealership would have taken care of me while they had their chances.
      I don't think that you are a mouthy jerk at all. I think your complaint deserves to be heard and given attention in this forum.

      Let's see if the girls from GM headquarters offer their usual apologetic, scripted response in reply.

      Also, some of us are becoming tired of hearing the predictable response that we are being too hard on the GM "customer care" reps here. All that they ever post is their useless, corporate regurgitations.

      Apologies may be meant to sooth. But no apology has ever repaired an automotive defect.
      Last edited by Thymeclock; 05-23-2014 at 04:02 AM.

    5. #15
      Should I keep it?
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      Talk about prophetic. Today, my wife asked me about this recall she heard about for the Aveo. The DRL stopped working in 2008 on our 2007 Aveo5. I thought my using 130 watt bulbs in the headlights had burned out the DRL module. Well seeing how they no longer worked I never bothered with disabling the DRL ( I don't care for them). About 2 weeks ago wife wife had an issue with little SILVER, her car. Some body had came into her office and told her that her headlights were on. She went out to her car and checked and they were off. About an hour later, someelse came in and told here the lights were still on. She went back out and they were on but really dim so she tried to start the car. The battery was almost completely dead and although the switch was off to the headlights, they were still burning. She and her friend called the friends husband and another friend that worked at the local garage. As it turned out the found the DRL module was overheated to the point it was nearly ready to catch on fire. The module was sooo hot they had a time trying to unplug it.

    6. #16
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      WOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, taking mine out tomorrow, screw that

    7. #17
      LXV-SCOOTADRIVE, ON! 2010AveoLT's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by milesvinson View Post
      Talk about prophetic. Today, my wife asked me about this recall she heard about for the Aveo. The DRL stopped working in 2008 on our 2007 Aveo5. I thought my using 130 watt bulbs in the headlights had burned out the DRL module. Well seeing how they no longer worked I never bothered with disabling the DRL ( I don't care for them). About 2 weeks ago wife wife had an issue with little SILVER, her car. Some body had came into her office and told her that her headlights were on. She went out to her car and checked and they were off. About an hour later, someelse came in and told here the lights were still on. She went back out and they were on but really dim so she tried to start the car. The battery was almost completely dead and although the switch was off to the headlights, they were still burning. She and her friend called the friends husband and another friend that worked at the local garage. As it turned out the found the DRL module was overheated to the point it was nearly ready to catch on fire. The module was sooo hot they had a time trying to unplug it.
      something tells me that all of the cars involved are the "First Generation" Aveo/Aveo5s, and that the 07-08 Sedans (and everything 09+) are not affected by the Recall.

    8. #18
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Quote Originally Posted by Thymeclock View Post
      I don't think that you are a mouthy jerk at all. I think your complaint deserves to be heard and given attention in this forum.

      Let's see if the girls from GM headquarters offer their usual apologetic, scripted response in reply.

      Also, some of us are becoming tired of hearing the predictable response that we are being too hard on the GM "customer care" reps here. All that they ever post is their useless, corporate regurgitations.

      Apologies may be meant to sooth. But no apology has ever repaired an automotive defect.
      Hey, thanks for getting where I was coming from. I added that my car has 140k miles on it (well out of warranty), just so they didn't feel obligated to respond. But I tell ya, the initial rust started before 60k. But since it didnt actually go all the way through

      Interesting story above from Miles.. where is the DRL module located for removal?
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    9. #19
      Almost time to do my timing belt daug1502's Avatar
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      Well now I know why I have often thought I smelled burning wire. Hopefully if that damage is there they take the time to replace any damaged wiring. Wonder if I can get them to tell me how to rewire my DRL's later down the road???
      2008 Aveo5 SV

      I will think of a better signature later.

    10. #20
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Quote Originally Posted by 2010AveoLT View Post
      something tells me that all of the cars involved are the "First Generation" Aveo/Aveo5s, and that the 07-08 Sedans (and everything 09+) are not affected by the Recall.
      Is there a way to check which exact cars are recalled by VIN number or something? I live in Europe and I doubt that there will be a letter for recall sent in my country. Owner of 2011 Aveo.

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