I was cruzing down I-85 on my way back to SC and just outside of Charlotte, I saw a 2010 red Aveo. I have decided that the Aveo was improved. I really like the front grill design and the side look.
I commend Chevy for their updating on the Aveo.
Now having said that, I am jelous. What can I do to improve the looks of my car (2006, Aveo5)?
Here is my list of projects
1) New suspension (coil over shocks)
2) New wheels/tires
Here is the next set of projects
1) Rear LED lighting. I want to build my own design under the standard mounting using super bright tri-colors.
2) Rear Spoiler, is there better looking/functional outside of stock? I don't have one.
3) Replace the front grill and rid of the chevy logo. Maybe a cylon/kit car moving LED design?