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    Thread: Speeding tickets

    1. #1
      I'll keep it and add a turbo brendan.melanson's Avatar
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      Speeding tickets

      I lied in my original post. The officer didn't really give me a break it was a 80 zone I was doing between 80-90 for sure and he wrote 80 in a 60 but it was a 80 zone

      Last edited by brendan.melanson; 01-18-2012 at 07:35 PM.
      Laugh now, fly later... Damn it feels good to be a Taylor!

    2. #2
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      the name is most likely not going to help you.

      i dont think they can easily increase the maximum after they fine, but your in canada, i dont know they law up there.

      i thought canada had a new law that double the speed limit meant loss of license and towing of your car? you should just consider your self lucky you are still allowed to drive.

      you gotta pay to play.

      go into court and tell them you cant afford a ticket, but you'll set up payment of the fine, that you will take the course, and you need to your license to go to work so you can pay the fine. If you agree to pay the fine, can they waive the points so you can afford to keep your license. blah blah blah..

    3. #3
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      in the us they can change the fine to something with no points.

      make sure you emphasis that you will slow down, and then slow down.

    4. #4
      Should I keep it? AveoJunk's Avatar
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      How it works in the US:

      If you were NOT a smartass with the officer and polite and took your ticket you would...

      Plead not guilty to the ticket and get a court date. Show up early and speak to the procecutor. Explain your situation and how sorry you are. Usually if your record is not bad they will amend the ticket to one with a local ordinace with a large fine BUT no points.
      HOWEVER, we too have provisional licenses for new drivers and they will not do this if it is a provisonal license.

      I am not sure how it works in Canada, but may be similar.
      Unfortunately I think you might want to talk to a lawyer for advice since this could mean you losing your license. It might be too late by the time you go to court.

    5. #5
      Should I keep it? AveoJunk's Avatar
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      I can't say for sure in Canada, but in US the cop can't dismiss it at this point so no sense writing him a letter. It is up to the procecutor at this point. Since you were polite and didn't argue on the side of the road, they will usually work with you. Again, in the US the local town will change the ticket to something with a hefty LOCAL fine so they keep the majority of the money. It is a racket. Again, here in US, it is the points that affect the insurance cost. You might want to consult a traffic lawyer familiar with your local laws. And whatever you do, slow down and don't get popped again for a while.

    6. #6
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      Quote Originally Posted by AveoJunk View Post
      It is a racket.
      i agree with aveojunk 100% not just the racket part either.. just agree with that part the most.

    7. #7
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      i thought canada had a new law that double the speed limit meant loss of license and towing of your car?
      Ontario has a law like that. Probably not PEI though.

      In Ont, doing 120 in a 60 zone (or 50 km over any limit) would have meant:

      - minimum fine of $2,000 (max of $10k)
      - immediate seven-day driver’s licence suspension and seven-day vehicle impoundment, plus probably ridiculously expensive impound lot charges

      Good luck with your situation, brendan.

      I got one ticket when I was 16, and nearly a few more. Now I'm a little saner now than I used to be.

    8. #8
      Still love my daily driver Thymeclock's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by AveoJunk View Post
      I can't say for sure in Canada, but in US the cop can't dismiss it at this point so no sense writing him a letter. It is up to the procecutor at this point. Since you were polite and didn't argue on the side of the road, they will usually work with you. Again, in the US the local town will change the ticket to something with a hefty LOCAL fine so they keep the majority of the money. It is a racket. Again, here in US, it is the points that affect the insurance cost. You might want to consult a traffic lawyer familiar with your local laws. And whatever you do, slow down and don't get popped again for a while.
      Both post are excellent, accurate advice. I can't say whether the law is different in Canada, but it's usually something similar.

      All I'll add is: if you are still driving after it is resolved, buy a radar detector and use it! Even though it's too late, it's better late than never...

    9. #9
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      brendan: in Ontario, there are services that will help you fight traffic tickets. They're usually staffed by retired cops.

      Again, not sure if PEI has one, but since so much is on the line in your case, even if it costs, you might want to look them up and see if they can help.

      You Can Fight Your Traffic Ticket! is one I've seen advertised in Canada

    10. #10
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      doh, no PEI office:

      POINTTS has over 20 offices in Ontario, Manitoba, and Alberta ready to help fight your traffic ticket!
      Still might be worth a call...

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