I have a 2006 aveo5 hatchback, none of my keys will turning the ignition cylinder anymore. Does anyone know how to drill out the inside to release cylinder locking pin so I can turn cylinder to acc to remove and replace ignition cylinder?
I have a 2006 aveo5 hatchback, none of my keys will turning the ignition cylinder anymore. Does anyone know how to drill out the inside to release cylinder locking pin so I can turn cylinder to acc to remove and replace ignition cylinder?
have a look at this.
The keys that were designed for our Aveos are a very big PITA. The keys blanks are difficult to find, difficult to cut and reproduce accurately, even when using an unused, original key as a source.
Before you do anything else, try having a new key made. I hope you have an original key with little or no wear on it. Go to a professional locksmith and pay whatever it takes to have him cut a duplicate key correctly. It's easier and cheaper than tearing the lock cylinder out.
Any GM dealer can get you the key code. Just talk to a part guy - they have access to that info. Should be no charge on an '06.
This is what my key looks like, not large at all. Couldn't I just buy the pictured cylinder and keys from Rock auto to replace my wore out one.
That should work.
Well I was able to get a new key cut from key code....no luck on turning the ignition switch with the new key. So now I ask again, does anyone know the right location on the face of the ignition cylinder to drill out the locking pin so that I might be able to turn the ignition cylinder to accessory position to take out old ignition cylinder.