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    Thread: Suspension knock Aveo 2013

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Suspension knock Aveo 2013

      There is a loud and frequent knocking coming from my suspension. I think the culprit might be passenger side front as it had a broken coil spring. I changed both front springs but that made no difference. It was hard to pinpoint exactly where the knock is coming from. With springs changed I then suspected it might be coming from rear shocks. So yesterday I changed the rear shocks. The knock now seems to be more confined to the front passenger side although the front shocks seem fine. (Rear shocks were a bit weak, I've had it loaded with everything from Ikea kitchen units to laminate flooring recently)

      The car handles fine. There's nothing I can find with any play in it. You can drive car over wide speed bump with no knocks, but any unevenness in road surface will cause the knocking.

      I'm hoping to avoid changing front shocks as I'm not convinced that will cure the knock. Does anyone know if this is a common issue with the Aveo and/or point me in the right direction.



    2. #2
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Maybe check your engine mounts. One of my family members has a Saturn Vue that was "clunking". We were convinced it was in the suspension too.

      After checking and changing some of the suspension components (was hard to pinpoint as well), he ended up finding a damaged rubber piece on the engine mount that was the problem. I never saw the damaged part so not 100% sure exactly what was broken where.

      Might be worth checking out though.
      Last edited by EAD15; 05-28-2018 at 08:33 AM.

    3. #3
      Should I keep it?
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      I replaced my front shocks last year and noticed a more pronounced ‘knock’ in the front end after doing so. In my case it ended up being a worn ball joint on the lower control arm. Something else you can check.


    4. #4
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Thanks guys. Funnily enough when I took a crowbar to suspension/steering and found no play anywhere I did eye up the rear engine mount and wonder, but never actually investigated it. Did check control arm etc but absolutely no play in those areas at all which was a pity. Knocks are so much easier to live with when you know what needs replacing

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