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    Thread: Thermometer or Flash ECM?

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car? DTR34's Avatar
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      Thermometer or Flash ECM?

      Earlier this summer i received a 2009 aveo5 LT with around 60,000 miles kept in great condition (other than some general rusting as it was driven in the chicagoland area). After the 650 mile roadtrip home, i was pained to see the check engine light come on. after getting it checked out, by a local mechanic he told me that i should flash the body control module, and if that doesnt solve it, replace the thermometer.

      Is it viable to flash the BCM myself or should i just shell out the 150 to have the dealer do it? Do you all think that flashing the computer will help? He also had mentioned that the aveo was a car that frequently had issues with the computer which was why he had suggested the flash. Has this been true in y'alls experience as well?

    2. #2
      2004 1.6 Auto Rust Free
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      Quote Originally Posted by DTR34 View Post
      He also had mentioned that the aveo was a car that frequently had issues with the computer which was why he had suggested the flash. Has this been true in y'alls experience as well?
      ummm, no.

      I’d get a second opinion from another garage.

    3. The Following User Says Thank You to Eg.h2o For This Useful Post:

      DTR34 (09-28-2021)

    4. #3
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      I'm with Eg.h20 here. You really need to know what the code actually was in order to make an informed decision.

      I'm assuming by "thermometer", you meant "thermostat". That could cause the check engine light if it got stuck open but flashing the BCM is the wrong "1st try" solution to that.

    5. The Following User Says Thank You to EAD15 For This Useful Post:

      DTR34 (09-28-2021)

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