The cap is prone to cracking, which causes vent issues, and will cause a CEL to appear.
The cap is prone to cracking, which causes vent issues, and will cause a CEL to appear.
That great info I think you always need to check everything before buying a car. If you need to take it to a machine do so.
Haha - just referred to this thread again, and...
Anybody else notice the giant typo I made in the header image in post #1??![]()
I’ve read about the loss of power while driving. and I’m worried about this. What is the solution to remedy this when it happened that the car feel likes it bogged down. Now this only happened with the ac on. Runs fine other wise but that happened a few times already
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I took a locking Cap of a 2015 SATURN and put it on my 2006 aveo and she gets well did get great gas mileage .it's amazing