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    Thread: What is your highest speed?

    1. #21
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Cedar Creek, TX
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      Quote Originally Posted by arnoldyam View Post
      My car also have that sound, but I don't know where's the sound come from.
      As near as I can tell, it's the mirror that howls at 70 MPH with the window up. Sometimes it howls at lower speeds if I'm facing a headwind. The passenger mirror sometimes howls, but only when the conditions are right. In either case, opening the window changes the airflow and the sound stops.

      I've considered trying to change the airfoil shape of the mirror. I'm reluctant to drill a hole in the housing; perhaps some tape might work. I'll let you know if I can make the sound stop.

    2. #22
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      its not always the mirror. people have eliminated that sound by adding a seal between the two factory seals on the door along the length at the windshield.

      This works well:

      Steele Rubber Products - Peel-N-Stick Medium Hollow Triangular

      the other solution is to seal the door frame around the mirror adjuster. Some people used duct tape. You can do it without taking the mirror off from inside, just take off the plastic triangle interior trim, and duct tape the foam solid to the steel door frame.

    3. The Following User Says Thank You to petrified.rabbit For This Useful Post:

      was1958 (01-02-2016)

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