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    Thread: When Aveo is all used up, i'm gonna get a Spark.

    1. #11
      Still love my daily driver
      Join Date
      Mar 2008
      Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

      Re: When Aveo is all used up, i'm gonna get a Spark.

      She knows me better than than.

      Last Upgrade I took. I got screwed.

      She got the $30,000 mini-van
      I got the $3000 Turbo car.
      Fun car but it's gone and I am still paying off the Mini.

      But I did get a 323ic after that. It was fun while it lasted.

    2. #12
      Almost time to do my timing belt
      Join Date
      Mar 2009
      Fairbanks, Alaska
      Garage empty: add car
      Thanked 2 Times in 2 Posts

      Re: When Aveo is all used up, i'm gonna get a Spark.

      Haha, yeah I herar ya. Mine knows me too well too, but she also knows I'm gonna do what I want anyways so she tries to compromise with me.

      Farthest North Aveo: Fairbanks, Alaska

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