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    Thread: Who else tracks their MPG (any format)

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      New York State
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      Who else tracks their MPG (any format)

      For my 2006 Aveo names Brick we live in the United States of American so the Unit of measurement is Miles per gallon. I use the app GasBuddy to track my MPG and how much I spend in gas if I can figure out a way to export my information to share I will but in the mean time I have some screen shots from the app. I hope you all find this mildly interesting because I sure do.
      Name:  6A05B8F1-853D-486D-82E9-F86FB2469FCB.jpg
Views: 212
Size:  7.1 KB
      Name:  4CD7A15E-C01E-42A7-B717-256CCD353FE7.jpg
Views: 247
Size:  6.8 KB

    2. #2
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Pittsburgh, PA area
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      On average with my 2010, I get 21 mpg around town daily driven.

    3. The Following User Says Thank You to devilfurb7 For This Useful Post:

      RodgersNY06Aveo (05-10-2020)

    4. #3
      Should I keep it?
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      I use the app Fuelio, it does a similar job to the app you're using. It has graphs for your usage and patterns of improvement/worsening fuel economy etc. In South Africa we usually use litres/100km though. The quoted average for Aveos (up to 2009) is 7.3l/100km, and I'm getting an average of 7.8 (which is ~30mpg).

    5. The Following User Says Thank You to NirvAveo For This Useful Post:

      RodgersNY06Aveo (05-10-2020)

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