well, looks like the intake boot i accidentally tore when replacing my Condenser finally reared its ugly head; this afternoon, Scoot Scoot lost ALL Power, went down to 10MPH, with the tachometer bouncing between 1000 and 2000 RPM. and even earlier, while waiting at a traffic light, the engine bogged down to where it was threatening to stall. I went to GMPartsDirect to see how much a new boot would cost, and got MASSIVE Sticker Shock! GM wants $250 FOR A HUNK OF MOLDED RUBBER!!? and Guess what: THERE ARE NO AFTERMAKRET OPTIONS! at this point, I'm willing to drive to Detroit, Find the Pencil Necked Bean Counter Who Thought that $250 was a fair Price, AND BEAT HIM WITH HIS OWN OVERPRICED PART!