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    Thread: 04-09 engine interchange (thermostat housing cracked - engine overheated)

    1. #41
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      i have a 06 and 2010 aveo ..i just replaced engine in 2006
      and im getting a misfire code too ,,,and a po317 code(rough ride something )
      i just spent 550 on low mileage engine
      115 on clutch 360 in labor and a huge tow bill to get me back to wv ..
      im outta extra cash
      is there anyway besides dealer relearn to fix this
      and if i just drive it ,,what happens

    2. #42
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      Well i know its been a bit my mom didnt have the money to repair the car right away. The car is a 05 and i got a 06 motor complete for $450 i swapped all the crank cam and knock sensors from the 05 to the 06 and the 05 manifolds and new timing belt while i was there. It started it right away it threw a p0300 code with a flashing hold light. I tried a crank relearn with a snap on modis and i tried a otc scanner neither gave me te bi-directional option to do it. I took the car to a local shop that had a tech2 and the did the procedure. It fixed the misfire p0300 code and it passed CA smog test. So i can confirm this swap worked for me.

    3. #43
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      I am not getting codes but I am having problems after installing the rebuilt head on my 2004 Aveo with a previously installed and working 2005 Pontiac Wave engine (it had 90,000 km and 80,000 in this car when the tensioner blew up). My problem is uncontrolled rpms on start up. I can get 7500 rpms and still rising immediately on start up. I have looked at various relearn procedures but I have tried the TPS relearn procedure a couple of times and that had no effect. I have even swapped in another ecu and got the same result. The only positive I can take from the whole exercise is that this little engine can really rev much higher than I would ever have expected. The local dealer does not want to touch this engine and is the one who gave me the TPS sheet with the instruction, if this does not worked please have it towed somewhere else. If you call and ask for me I won't be here... So I am trying to understand what another dealer needs to do before I have it towed 25 miles to have them turn it away. Rocky

    4. #44
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      Quote Originally Posted by rocky49 View Post
      My problem is uncontrolled rpms on start up. I can get 7500 rpms and still rising immediately on start up.
      so it starts and revs immediately to 7500 rpm? does it come back down?

    5. #45
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      Question HighRPM Pattern after head rebuild

      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      so it starts and revs immediately to 7500 rpm? does it come back down?
      Dear Rabbit,

      The pattern was unchecked acceleration until I shut it down. I had no idea there was a rev limiter on the Aveo engine and really had never revved my engine above 4000 intentionally. So as it was climbing rapidly I would shut it down at 6000 but it took a while to shut it down. I did this a number of times on a number of start ups. I then disconnected the cable throttle and the engine plateaued at 4500 rpms after wild acceleration on start up. I then tried disconnecting the TPS, and IAC sensors and got the same results max revs of 4500 with cable disconnected.
      I switched to 2 other throttle bodies and got the same results, wild acceleration to way over 6000 rpms before I shut it down. Thottle not connected 4500 rpms after wild acceleration.
      final test was swapping out the computer with one from another aveo, base car with stick and no air. Same results, wild accel to more than 6000, Finally after an intense amount of reading I found the aveo has a rev limiter so I ran a couple of tests and let it go on start up. The revs went wild and somewhere around 7000 it cuts out and then when it drops, it roars go back up and then cuts out again. Not a really efficient governor but that is how it works. I went to the Chev dealer and dropped it off with instructions on having the RELEARN procedure carried out. I tried it but could not get it to take. Rocky

    6. #46
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      i will be interested in the results.

    7. #47
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      I can't believe the car gets stupid so easily because the battery has been disconnected for a period of time. Given the number of aveo members carrying out timing belt changes and head rebuilds I am surprised more of them are not voicing the same complaint that I an. We obviously need a list of the procedures to be followed to get these engines running properly and our cars back on the road. In my local parts yards the number of aveos with battle damage is 1/3 to 1/4 of those with damaged heads due to belt /idler failures. Rocky

    8. #48
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      i don't disconnect the battery when i work on anything unless i am doing fusebox/ecu work.

      likely hood of crossing pins and damaging something when the key is off, is slim..

    9. #49
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Call from the GM dealership today? They are puzzled they say the engine is running with the throttle closed, YUP I told them that, and that it runs without any throttle body at all. They wonder where it is getting its air with the throttle closed. So is there a real difference in the aveo heads beyond the different intake manifolds?? Mine is simply supposedly from a 2005 wave and a 2005 aveo. I know the head is new to the engine, but the intake manifold was on the engine before the idler failed and tore up all 16 valves. ANY SUGGESTIONS OUT THERE IN AVEO LAND?? THANKS Rocky

    10. #50
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      for that much air, it has to be coming from the vacuum booster on the brakes. Unless the pcv or egr were not hooked up.

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