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    Thread: 04-09 engine interchange (thermostat housing cracked - engine overheated)

    1. #51
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      Question Wide Open Throttle Problem Solved!!!

      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      for that much air, it has to be coming from the vacuum booster on the brakes. Unless the pcv or egr were not hooked up.

      The extra air was coming from a leaky injector according to the GM dealer. 3 Hours of looking to find the problem. However now there are 3 other problems now. The old fix one, break 3!.

      1. They say the engine computer is not communicating with the car|?? but the check engine light is on.

      2. There is now a large oil leak on the bottom of the engine on the passenger side, but they can't seem to understand why. The leak seems to be "ON related", when off it is not leaking.

      3 The engine is making a strange cyclical sound...

    2. #52
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      I suspect that if the timing belt cover is removed, they will find the answer to the oil leak. Although it wasn't your fault, this engine was essentially red-lined repeatedly before even having enough time to distribute oil properly. This is probably not a real happy engine right now. With more $$$ it might be able to come off life-support, but what's the long-term outlook going to be? JMHO, but if it were mine, I would pay the bill and bail on this one (unless it's worth it to you to drop in yet another engine).

    3. #53
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      \So what do you think has happened? If I pull the oil pan gasket am I going to find the answer? Never had an engine that far apart? I don't really fancy having the gm dealer tear it apart at $150.00 an hour to tell me it is toast. Although I am starting to get the feeling this will be the diagnosis, unless it is something obvious like I cracked the oil pan with a jack. Thus my question about the damaged engine on the aveo list with a massive oil leak in the passenger side end that was posted back in January 2012.
      I have another Aveo block in my garage I bought to use as a training aid. The block comes complete with pistons etc that move up and down. It came with a damaged head... Theoretically I could build it up with all of the bits and pieces from this engine that self destructed and then install it in the White Zombie. Rocky

    4. #54
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      My guess would be a partially or fully blown (not that it matters which) crank or cam seal. But what really bothers me about this is all of those 7K RPMs. I'm trying to imagine the effect of getting in my Aveo, turning the key, and immediately flooring it right up to 7K without any warm-up whatsoever. Once MIGHT not cause a problem, but doing it however many times yours did just isn't a happy thought. But, I'm no automotive engineer, and maybe one of these engines could take punishment like that. Bottom line - I wouldn't ever feel comfortable with this engine, even if someone could get it running again.

    5. #55
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      This is a further post to identify some of the answers to the problems I posted earlier today.
      Problem #1 no resolution as of yet.
      Problem #2 The oil leak is presumed to be the result of a leaking intake camshaft gasket. The GM dealers wants 5.7 hours to change the cam gasket.
      Problem #3 the strange cyclical sound is a result of the dealer tech installing the harmonic balancer incorrectly when rechecking the timing cock-eyed you got to put the balancer hole in the keyway before tightening it down.
      This engine now runs smoothly while leaking oil faster than the Exxon Valdez or an Enbridge pipeline! Will post if a new intake gasket solves the oil leak. It only leaks oil while running.
      It is Halloween and the white zombie gets another chance at life. Rocky

    6. #56
      What's wrong with my car?
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      I just bought a mint condition 2005 Aveo LT last night with milky oil.. The previous owner already replaced the head gasket, but the cylinders are still getting water pumped in, and the coolant surge tank has bubbles.. I am thinking it probably has a cracked block..

      Two questions:
      1. Am I missing something? (I am a competent mechanic, but very new to the Aveo)
      2. Can I swap in an engine from a 2009 Aveo?

      Based on this thread it seems like the general consensus is the only difference is the fuel rail, injectors and sensors between the 2005-2009 model years..
      I see a few people saying the CASE (crankshaft variation relearn) resolved any differences between the engines..
      All of this assuming I work out any "real" CEL errors that pop up such as O2 sensors or disconnected wiring etc.


    7. #57
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      the 09 is the start of a whole new engine. it can be put in, but it is a swap, not an exchange.

      the head could be warped, but with the aveo it is very very easy that if you do not follow the torque pattern, that the head gasket leaks. you also have torque to yield bolts.

      i don't want to say you can't trust another mechanic, but even if the previous mechanic didn't clean the old gasket enough before the exchange, would cause a leak.

    8. #58
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      So I should be looking for a 2008?
      This car has 150k, and had been run xxx miles with antifreeze in the oil, so I am thinking of finding a new engine with lower miles, changing timing belt, water pump etc. and dropping that in.

      I will probably pull the head on this one to take a look before I pull the entire, but I don't see good things coming if I try to fix it.

    9. #59
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      Solution to the problem

      Quote Originally Posted by rocky49 View Post
      This is a further post to identify some of the answers to the problems I posted earlier today.
      Problem #1 no resolution as of yet.
      Problem #2 The oil leak is presumed to be the result of a leaking intake camshaft gasket. The GM dealers wants 5.7 hours to change the cam gasket.
      Problem #3 the strange cyclical sound is a result of the dealer tech installing the harmonic balancer incorrectly when rechecking the timing cock-eyed you got to put the balancer hole in the keyway before tightening it down.
      This engine now runs smoothly while leaking oil faster than the Exxon Valdez or an Enbridge pipeline! Will post if a new intake gasket solves the oil leak. It only leaks oil while running.
      It is Halloween and the white zombie gets another chance at life. Rocky
      Well I went to NAPA and they actually had a new camshaft oil seal in stock. Replaced it and the problem with leaking oil is gone. It is 3 months later I have another 3,000 km on it and the white zombie trucks on through the arctic snows here in Northern Canada. Go SNOW ZOMIBIE!!!

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