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    Thread: 1.6 Ecotec Turbo: Thoughts and Suggestions for Custom Install

    1. #1
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      1.6 Ecotec Turbo: Thoughts and Suggestions for Custom Install

      Hey all I'm interested in building a turbo kit for my car. This car has a Manual transmission First, to prevent the trash talk. I know what a fast car is (I own a turbo C5 Corvette) and realize the aveo will never be fast. However, it is my daily driver and I put a lot of miles on my car (30 - 35k a year) so the advantage of more power is increased safety and ease of driving for me. Questions,What are the limits of the long block itself as far as boost goes? What would be a reasonable PSI to prevent engine damage? Thoughts on ethanol use (30% blend)? What are the limits of the stock fuel system?- Injectors, fuel lines, and pump; if they need to upgraded what should I use and where can I get them? What PCM / programmers do you use? Know of a good stem I could use to modify the for the exhaust manifold or do you know if turbo headers are made for the car?Any additional thoughts?Thanks guys. I hope this can work if and if so I'll be happy to keep you guys updated with specific install notes and pictures-Andrew

      Last edited by MontezumasViper; 09-18-2011 at 06:54 PM. Reason: Text is bunching up? WHY?

    2. #2
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      if you have money, there is a factory 1.6 ecotec turbo that uses our engine block, it puts out over 200 hp, and would be a plug and play swap, but i would include the transmission.

    3. #3
      Still love my daily driver Nemasys's Avatar
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      Take my advice, keep it stock!

      Even with the 1.6 theres enough power to easily get up to the speed limit in any normal driving conditions.

      Daily drivers are just that, daily drivers! You have a turbo'd vette, play with that instead, the aveo is fast enough for normal driving, i gotta admit it must feel hella weird coming out of a high powered corvette and jump into an aveo. I would probably be in the same boat as you to want more power out of it, but trust me keep it stock bro.
      > 2010 Mazdaspeed 3
      - Fully built, GT35R, 500+ whp

      > 2004 Hatchback 2.0L Turbocharged [RETIRED]
      - T3/T4 T04E .60 A/R Compressor
      - HKS SSQV, OBX Wastegate
      - FMIC with 2.5" piping
      - Tuned with Megasquirt II v3.57

    4. #4
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? thehunterooo's Avatar
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      Put more money in the Corvette

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