We have a 2009 Aveo with 70422 miles on it...
The car has been having a slow oil leak for over a month now. Took it to the mechanic and was told we needed a new oil pan filter. Bought it and took it back then was told that we didn't need that that we only needed a oil filter. Come on so my boyfriend get all the stuff for an oil change (since he is so picky and only use a certain brand of oil). Drain oil, and put in a new oil filter.. The mechanic didn't know if the ring that comes with the filter should be put on or not. But he did put it on. So he got paid.. Me and my boyfriend drive off and not even 5 blocks away there is oil every where. Had to park the car because it was smoking so bad. Called the mechanic to come to where the car was parked and he told us that they are going to take the ring off.. Car drove good for about 2 days and then it started leaking some more.. I was told by another mechanic that we need an oil filter housing but every where we go no one has a clue what we are talking about.. Come on already I can't keep paying mechanic after mechanic for fixing the same issue.
Can someone in here give me a clue on what it can be my boyfriend had cleaned the car and when checked again the oil was coming out from where the oil filter goes. I need to fix this because I am so scared to keep driving the car if it keeps leaking maybe one day it will get so bad..
In order to stop the leak my boyfriend has but gasket sealer all over the edge of cap..
Already changed the oil gasket, oil pan gasket and the oil filter