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    Thread: Anybody try adding a super-charger?

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    1. #1
      I'll keep it and add a turbo Weirdo_Joe's Avatar
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      Anybody try adding a super-charger?

      I am new to this forum, and have been reading up on the Aveo... recently started driving an 08 LS... there's an ad on here at the top of the page that caught my eye: a super-charger for $179.99 that's pretty universal (up to 500hp engines, I think it said? And any car with a battery Has anybody tried one of these? I appreciate any info!

    2. #2
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? thehunterooo's Avatar
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      it is a scam more or less, it will do nothing to add power, it would prob restrict more than anything else. Welcome though lol

    3. #3
      I'll keep it and add a turbo Weirdo_Joe's Avatar
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      Thanks, Hunterooo!!! For the info, as well as the greeting! I have read a LOT of these posts, and have already learned quite a bit from previous posts, many of which were yours! I absolutely LOVE the Aveo! I have decided CAI is the first and best way to go... I have one question right now regarding that... I've gathered that there are "cheap" ones requiring less adaptation than some more expensive ones to fit my particular model (08 LS) any particular brand, or even item #'s? I'll be poking around myself, in the meantime! Go, Aveo!

    4. #4
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      I found this. IDK how much more hp you'd want, & how much your willing to spend. But it says +80 hp for $199.99, and I checked to see what shipping was, and it showed nothing. But here's the link: Chevy Aveo Electric Supercharger Kits Chevy Aveo Superchargers

    5. #5
      Still love my daily driver Nemasys's Avatar
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      I will tell you right now, anything that says "electric supercharger" turn back and walk away.. There is no such thing, this is simply a 12 volt fan that pushes air into your intake, it doesn't spin fast enough to even generate positive pressure. you would an incredibly powerfull electric motor and fan to produce any kind of boost whatsoever...

      It's probably a 25 dollar wal-mart gadjet they renamed and try to sell for 200 bux, a 75 dollar fart cannon exhaust will produce more power then this piece of ****!
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    6. #6
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      there are actually electric superchargers, but they cost as much as belt driven superchargers and turbo kits.

      As for those cheap (anything less the $500 is would say) turbo kits making big hp promises are fake.
      For $75 you could buy a leaf blower and stick it on the end of your intake and get more gain. But that is not feasible either.

    7. #7
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Quote Originally Posted by Nemasys View Post
      I will tell you right now, anything that says "electric supercharger" turn back and walk away.. There is no such thing, this is simply a 12 volt fan that pushes air into your intake, it doesn't spin fast enough to even generate positive pressure. you would an incredibly powerfull electric motor and fan to produce any kind of boost whatsoever...

      It's probably a 25 dollar wal-mart gadjet they renamed and try to sell for 200 bux, a 75 dollar fart cannon exhaust will produce more power then this piece of ****!
      Yeah, before I read this, my dad was telling me something very similar. Don't trust that kind of stuff. Especially if it looks like a cold air intake like this one does.

      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      For $75 you could buy a leaf blower and stick it on the end of your intake and get more gain. But that is not feasible either.
      I'm sure I've seen people do things just as dumb, if not dumber, to their cars...

    8. #8
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      Quote Originally Posted by MoneyMike View Post
      I'm sure I've seen people do things just as dumb, if not dumber, to their cars...
      Or motorcycles..... im sure there HAS to be a couple of sportbike riders on this forum like me who have heard of the guy that dunked an entire bottle of NOS (the ENERGY DRINK) into his Suzuki GSXR's gas tank expecting big HP gains...... LOLOLOL

    9. #9
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Quote Originally Posted by Snafu View Post
      Or motorcycles..... im sure there HAS to be a couple of sportbike riders on this forum like me who have heard of the guy that dunked an entire bottle of NOS (the ENERGY DRINK) into his Suzuki GSXR's gas tank expecting big HP gains...... LOLOLOL
      I was not expecting that at all! Oh God, that's too funny! That probably wasn't good! That's probably the worst thing that I have ever heard anyone do to any vehicle ever! I wonder if anyone has tried this:
      Last edited by MoneyMike; 01-29-2011 at 02:27 AM.

    10. #10
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      For $75 you could buy a leaf blower and stick it on the end of your intake and get more gain. But that is not feasible either.
      I found my next mod! Should I get an electric blower or gas powered?

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