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    Thread: aveo 2006 overheating problem...

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Exclamation aveo 2006 overheating problem...

      Good day
      I have issue with my aveo LS 2006, it was suddenly overheating after a radiator change
      this is the history sequences:
      1. no over heating problem was experienced
      2. one time i noticed overheating so I swName:  12321231.jpg
Views: 184
Size:  12.9 KBitched off the AC, heat was controlled,
      3. overheating again, when checked there was no coolant, radiator damaged
      4. replaced the radiator
      5. flush engine and oil change + cover wall replaced because it was leaking
      6. no issues until I went on one day for more than 40 KM then it was overheating, switched off ac and heat was controlled,
      7. drove later and switched on AC, overheating too much and stopped the car to rest...
      8. coolant was empty so I added water
      9. checked the fans are working and now the coolant level is same ...
      but there is an issue

      please watch the photo attached to help in identification of issue or if youve experienced something like this before..

    2. #2
      2004 1.6 Auto Rust Free
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      It’s possible that you originally overheated the engine and warped the head. This could be causing the continued overheating.

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