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    Thread: Aveo Diesel - Error Code 89

    1. #21
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      Update, Till now I haven't had any problems again, so I still think in my case that it is weather related, like I've mentioned before. This week will be cold again here, so I will check next week if there are problems again. I will update again.

      Grtz frenzke68

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    3. #22
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      Thanks frenzke68! You give us all hope
      I have ordered a lambda. I let you know if it work on my car, when I have chanced it.

      For information, it doesn't work to chance suction pressure sensor (if the name is that in English). My dealer thought it was that, but the error code appeared again after just two week or something like that.

      As previously described, error code 89 showed up more frequently when it's cold outside. When the code appears, often during acceleration, the car looses power for a couple of seconds. And now the car even have higher fuel consumption than normal.

      (Sorry for bad English, to lazy to use google translate right now.)

    4. #23
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      Yeah, since the weather got better I didn't get to see code89 as well, only before ignition but it turns off afterwards. Also, it comes up when the start-stop is activated (my start-stop usually never works, the few times it does though code89 comes when I stop the car and it is in start-stop mode only to go away afterwards). What is your average consumption guys? Mine is at 5.3 (what the car says).

    5. #24
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      An update from this site again...very frustrating code89
      It came back 3 days ago....spontaneously while driving on the highway ??
      The day after, the car wasn't used and yesterday morning by turning on the ignition, the code was still there.
      I made a tour to my work, about 120 km, and after work when turning on ignition again, the code was still there.
      This morning, when turning ignition on, the code was gone.
      Very strange issue.
      This time with the code on, I haven't noticed any problems with the car. No power loose or something.
      The only thing I noticed, when I started my car yesterday morning, it didn't start the first time. The second time without a problem.
      Also by cold weather, after starting the car, it feels like it takes a little while to run stable.
      Like a spark plug is a sort of malfunctioning ?

      My car average consumption is around 5.5

    6. #25
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      I have now chanced the lambda. Then erased the code. And after 200 meter it occurs again. But it was when I accelerate on fourth gear at 3000 rpm, just before I shift to the fifth speed. Maybe to hard for the car. I erased the code again and drive not that hard, about 400 km whiteout an error message.
      I have to drive more before I really know if or how it works.

      I have also think about if a spark plug could case the problem. But I havenīt chanced some.
      But earlier in this thread someone got the hole engine chanced and error 89 still occur! So maybe not...

      Good question about the fuel consumption. Itīs around 4,6 lit/100 km in my car.
      It was around 5,5-5,8 the days before I chanced the lambda but now 4,6 again.
      So little lower than yours. I donīt know what it means...

    7. #26
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      Last 5 days the error came back 3 times and all in the same situation.
      Driving on the highway, normal speed around 120 / 130km.
      When the error pops up, I felt some kind of power loss. I tried to drive harder, pulled down the gas, but the car had no traction.
      This all happened less than a minute and the traction and power was back again.
      Maybe, like I said before, malfunction of a sparkplug or something
      When I erased the code everything was fine again, till the next pop up...

      Keep you informed,

    8. #27
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      What kind of driving are you doing for that kind of consumption? Mine lowered to 5.2 now on a mixed usage (more highway though). Also code 89 only occurs once before ignition and that's it. I believe it has to do with the weather. How much did it cost you for the lambda probe? Thanks guys for keep informing!

    9. #28
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      My kind of driving is most of the time highway, driving around 4000km a month, max 130 - 150 km/h

      Another thing I noticed is to fuel diesel....not always it is possible to fuel totally full. Maybe it's the pressure/speed?
      A-category like Shell is for my car better. More km I can drive with. So the consumption is not stable, cause it depends on how much fuel and what kind of fuel.

    10. #29
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      The lambda cost around 100 euro and took 5 min to chance. Very easy!
      I buy from a Swedish site, so I don't think it help you if a link it (Of course you can by it from a Chevrolet-dealer I guess.)

      I have think about the EGR-valve, if that could cause the problem? If I have time I will try to clean it.

      About the consumption, I drive on different roads from 70 to 120 km/h.

      As you describe, frenzke68, some kind of power loss, when the code occurs, and no traction for me to.

      Yes we try to solve this together

    11. #30
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Real problems right now....Also the motor management indicator lights up en stays on
      I have left my car at the garage and they will take a look monday, so fingers crossed

      keep you informed, grtz frenzke68

      I've just got my car back and I hope the problem is solved.
      The error 89 code is an overall code and not a specific one.
      Reading the computer said that an other code was present, what has something to do with air flow measurement. A sensor was dirty and cleaned and the motor management light was off again
      So cause of this, I went searching at Google and found an interesting story....This one is in dutch, but maybe with translate it is something interesting to read.
      It's about the MAF sensor, what problably the issue is with my car.

      Here you can read the article, or just search on MAF sensor / Airflow measurement

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      so keep you informed next week....

      Last edited by frenzke68; 02-27-2018 at 09:04 AM.

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