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    Thread: Battery replacement question...........

    1. #1
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      Question Battery replacement question...........

      Hi all. I have a question about the replacement of my 2 year old battery. I had my original battery replaced in 8/14, with the same battery...a new Delco. BUT...I only JUST noticed that it is a '30 month' battery, AND it has the add water holes at the top! It isnt maintenance free! Talk about old fashion! But I didnt notice. All I remember is that my mech. said 'in Fla, IF it lasts 2-3 years, I am lucky, so a 30 month is fine....thats what was in it' The heat kills batteries here. THAT I recall.

      Ok..I never noticed all the number details till today. So, today it was slow to start this morning, then after work it wouldnt start, the typical 'click,click,click', no start. I had a trickle charger put on it for 30 mins. It started right up. After 1 hr. of calling all over town for a new battery, WITH the car just sitting and running, ....all unreal prices!, except WalMart.....a 5 year maintenance free battery, $115.

      Ok, i went up and bought it, I didnt even shut it of when I was buying it, incase it wouldnt start again. So it was running for about 2.5 hrs total today. I get home with the new battery, and now it starts right up! Over and over and over again. BUT...the 'water/fluid' in the battery was LOW. It took about 2.5 cups of water to fill all the cells. 2 of the furthest outer cells were VERY low. Ok...so i run it for 20 mins. more now, with the battery full now. And it starts fine now....again.

      My 'brain surgeon of a brother in law', says to take the new battery back, the old one was just low on fluid, and a Delco should last much longer than 25 months,....but it says on the battery it is a 30 month battery. To me, that is the longest it will last....right???

      Well...I need to know what the hell to do. Put in the brand new battery, and not worry about having a dead battery. OR keep the new battery in the back seat for a few weeks, and see if the Delco keeps starting? Return the new battery and live with the old one ? Of course this is after a night of not starting it, and seeing if it starts right up or not.

      Remember, I put VERY low miles on the car. I JUST hit 36K yesterday, after 11 years and 4 months of ownership! So I guess I am not charging the battery all that much....right? (Opinions on what to do). The only thing my brother in law could test was the volts? It came to 12.3 on the Delco, and also on the NEW battery, he doesnt have a tester for the battery for AMPS. So...what would you all do? I think I should put in the new battery, if the old one is a 30 month battery, that has to have water added to it, and it was 'dry' to the point that I added like 2-3 cups of water, wouldnt that mean the cells are ruined? And won't hold a charge? And the little I do drive isnt enough to charge this 30 month Delco. Well this new one has a 5 year 'warranty' on it, and is maintenance free. So.....what do I do?

    2. #2
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Did you add distilled water or regular tap water?

    3. #3
      What do you mean there's no turbo? PoisonIvy's Avatar
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      Battery's 'months' are usually just their prorated warranty period. Personally I'd just stick the brand new, maintenance free battery in and be done with it. $115 is pretty good insurance against it stranding you somewhere. The damage may already be done and like EAD15 pointed out, you probably used tap water.

    4. #4
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by PoisonIvy View Post
      Battery's 'months' are usually just their prorated warranty period. Personally I'd just stick the brand new, maintenance free battery in and be done with it. $115 is pretty good insurance against it stranding you somewhere. The damage may already be done and like EAD15 pointed out, you probably used tap water.
      Just to let all know. After letting the car sit for 3 hrs. after running it for 25 mins, with the battery 'filled', with distilled water. always have it here for my orchids...., it was worse than ever! It made the classic 'click,click,click' sound, while trying to start it. But it also was making that classic 'run down sound' at the same time, you know, the sound it makes just before it makes the clicking noise. Boy adding water to it did nothing, made it worse!!

      I put in the new one, and it runs perfectly. I did notice something....that it has more cold cranking amps than 'normal', like 650?, instead of the needed 550? Which to me is something I wanted to do anyway. But this was the only size battery WalMart had, that fit the car, it is so small. According to the 'battery book', this was the only one that fit the car. I wanted to put in a stronger than needed battery, but when I asked the 'bright guy' at the auto dept. for a more expensive/stronger batter, he said, 'this is the only one we gots'... having a slightly stronger battery isnt going to blow anything up, or screw up the computers is it?

    5. #5
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      No. I run an Intimidator AGM and it's fine, doesn't fit the tray snugly, but it works. It's a group 78 with 775 CCA.

    6. #6
      Should I keep it?
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      You can put a slightly larger battery by 1 inch longer a Group 34
      And a battery that sits a lot should be charged by a battery charger once a month at least unless you have a larger drain on it by other accessories pulling to much power and draining a battery. Also a battery that has has drained to nothing may not come back to being a reliable battery or work properly you might get away with it if use it everyday but if it sits a few days it may give you problems so to realy test a battery let it sit a weak and do a load test
      A Group 78 is a side post unless it also has top posts

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    7. #7
      Should I keep it?
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      I know this battery story all to well. What I didn't know is AC/Delco still sold non-maintenance free batteries? AC/Delco started the 5 yr. maintenance free battery in early '80's with the green dot window on top. Curious to know, the rest of the story, said Paul Harvey. As a automotive associate at wally world, everstart are no longer made by excide. New manufacturer for since 2022, these new batteries are hit n miss, the Maxx, 3yr warranty seem to have best recycled lead in them, that n I push to all buy a Battery Maintainer n plug it in every moment your not driving. I have seven of them, 2 on mowers, 3 on vehicles , 2 spares, 3 Battery Tender Jr., 2 schumachers, 2 china brand. Typical lifespan has been 7yrs on flooded automotive batts, 5yrs on mower batts. FYI the freezing temps will kill a battery in matter of hours if not kept on a charger regularly. Its called "stratified" , wally has this large tester/charger that will bring a stratified battery back to life in bout 2hrs of connecting this $5k to a battery. Our policy is all returned batts Must be tested with our testers. $2k handheld or the $5k when you get a "charge n retest" from handheld. just guessing we have a 3% exchange rate on batts, we sell hundred auto weekly n hundred mower batts come spring. 1yr n 2yr have highest return rate n Maxx have lowest in flooded type, AGM very few ever returned under warranty

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