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    Thread: Broken Themostat plus advice

    1. #1
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Broken Themostat plus advice

      I have been reading for years about the cheap a$$ thermostat housing. So be warned it's not a mater of IF but of WHEN. When was finally yesterday for me.

      Name:  2013-05-29 19.50.37.jpg
Views: 545
Size:  275.3 KB

      Here is the procedure for swap out

      1) do this on a cool engine and not of the side of the road with a hot engine.
      2) Need a new Thermostat (new ones are metal) and a 2" Screw Hose Clamp, and new rubber gasket
      3) Remove the hoses, push the big hose down and out of the way to get to the smaller one
      4) Use a 12 mm deep socket and remove both bolts holding on the housing
      5) Replace with new parts
      6) Throw away the spring clamp and use the new Hose Clamp. The plastic is just slightly bigger than the metal.
      7) Add extra anti-freeze mix to replace what was spilled
      Drive and Enjoy

      Extra Bits O'Advice
      If you can't get a new gasket, pull the gasket towards the top and push the housing into engine block pinching the gasket in place on the bottom. Screw in lightly the bottom bolt holding the gasket in place. Take a small wooden or plastic poker and start pushing the gasket back into the slot. Once the gasket pushes into the slot then tighten down the bolts.

      If you are just doing casual maintenance (like changing and flushing the radiator fluid) go ahead and replace it. Don't do it while on the side of the road with a hot engine; you will burn your fingers.

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    2. #2
      Still love my daily driver classic67's Avatar
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      Thanks for the advice. Sorry to here about your luck. I just added you to the facebook page.

    3. #3
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Classic67 thanks for adding me to the group. I don't get here much more as I have been working instead of goofing off. I do pay attention to FB more so at night. The Thermostat was not that big of deal, I was driving over to see my girl friend. Alas I would much rather see my GF than work on cars. I just wanted to put the instructions onto the board to help everybody out.

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