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    Thread: A/C ,Very Cool,NOT Cold. Need Possible Causes.

    1. #11
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      it was at least 83 and high humidity it is south Fla. it was 84 according to my own weather station I have in my yard, in the shade. I only use max. and recirculate, like I said, I like to 'hang meat' in my cars!

    2. #12
      Still love my daily driver Thymeclock's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by FlaAveo5 View Post
      VERY INTERESTING. I took out the Fram cabin filter and started it up, and I only heard the 'hissing' for 1-2 seconds, and the air is ice cold again!
      I'm glad you solved your problem.

      But whad'ja do with the snake?

    3. #13
      Should I keep it?
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      Most air filters are directional. They will not let air pass thru as efficiently in one direction as compared to the other. That is why they have arrows on them. It sounds like you may have put the filter in backwards at first, but now have it correct. I think you may have been hearing the hiss of the refrigerant building up pressure in the evap.coil and with the cfms reduced that was passing thru the coil you would have been able to hear it easier.

    4. #14
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      Milesvinson your very technical, which is great!, but i don't understand cfms passing through, or not passing through, producing or not producing the hiss in the cabin. But I am going to take the car out now to see if it is cold today driving around or not. It is going in tomorrow no matter what to make sure nothings wrong, and at the moment I have the Fram filter OUT completely, it does have 1 arrow on it pointing up, which I assume means put it in pointing up. So if the hiss is present or long etc... I will put it in the right way, and see what I get. Till I can buy a cheap paper one again, and put it in. I assume it cant run without the replaceable cabin filter, something will get clogged up eventually with leaves. dirt, dust etc? One side of this Fram 'Cleanbreeeze' filter is black, the carbon in it, and the other is white, and it is made of like the stuff fish filters are made of, some kind of loose fabric, instead of paper. Well time to go see if I still have ICY cold at noon driving around in Fla., or if it was a one time thing last night, taking out the filter and testing the temp. But it did read 58 degrees in 1 min., and only a 1-2 second hiss,...without the filter in it at all. Maybe it will be no sound at all if I put it back in right. I will test and see. Let you all know the results today. And tomorrow after the Mech. IF it is still not ICY cold and hiss free, or VERY short. Here goes nothing!That permanent one that is in the dash, on the left side of the filter, it all black with a metal mesh covering it.

    5. #15
      I'll keep it and add a turbo Aveo5_boy's Avatar
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      FlaAveo5....are you posting this thread just to piss me off! Must be nice to have A/C problems while I just replaced the blower motor and resistor to get heat on all speeds in my car.....it is still burrrrr in the mornings here. I would give my left nut at this point just to get some of that Florida weather.

    6. #16
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      Aveo5_Boy.... I would kill for 20 degree days and 0 degree nights. My 'luck' is holding. I took it out 2 times. First time no filter in and it was noon, but it was icy cold coming out of the vents, and the hiss was light and lasted about 2-4 seconds. Now I just took it out for a drive WITH the filter IN, and it is now only COOL and the hiss is less than 1 second to almost gone! I tested the A/C temp. like I did last night, from the middle vents, it wont go below 68 degrees! And it is 78 outside and like 10% humidity, this morning it was more humid, but it was icy cold. Now its less humid and it wont get cold. So I freaking give up. I'll tell them all this tomorrow morning, and see what they come up with. I was hoping to be able to say I KNOW it is this or that. Now all I can say is what happened with the cabin filter in and out, and the temp. differences. I know it is gonna be the evaporator core/coil, or condenser, or both!. Well I'll let you all know what they come up with. Please let it be a hole in a vacuum hose or a leak in a refrigerant hose that can be replaced and refilled the system, for under $500. Not my luck though...........

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