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    Thread: Conventional Oil vs Synthetic Oil: What Do You Prefer?

    1. #1
      OEM+ Hellfire's Avatar
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      Lightbulb Conventional Oil vs Synthetic Oil: What Do You Prefer?

      Recently I've decided to switch back to conventional oil after alternating between the two over the last few years. It's more affordable and our cars were designed with conventional oil in mind. Paying more for synthetic in my opinion is a waste of money when there is little benefit. (I am referring to the Aveo T200; perhaps other models have different requirements.)

      Anyone else have any insight or opinions on this, feel free to chime in.

      V. S. M.
      2008 Chevrolet Aveo
      2010 Honda Accord EX-L V6

    2. #2
      2004 1.6 Auto Rust Free
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      Jun 2019
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      So long as you change the oil religiously, it doesn’t matter which you use. Period. ��

    3. The Following User Says Thank You to Eg.h2o For This Useful Post:

      guitardoc64 (08-27-2024)

    4. #3
      OEM+ Hellfire's Avatar
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      That's fair. I do agree with changing oil religiously, I've been pretty good with that over the years. Finally started changing my own oil recently too. A very easy preventative maintenance task that can make or break a car.
      V. S. M.
      2008 Chevrolet Aveo
      2010 Honda Accord EX-L V6

    5. #4
      2004 1.6 Auto Rust Free
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      And when you do it, you know it’s done right.

    6. #5
      Should I keep it?
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      Oct 2022
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      well synthetics will give less wear have longer drain intervals! I'm motorcycle no new term powersports mechanic taken more motors apart than most and the ones using synthetic has less wear life of a motor is oil and filters best air filters are oil impregnated paper
      example Kawasaki VN1500 their oil pump gear would go out it's plastic when replacing it you have to split the cases it was around 25,000 miles the cam chain was worn and rubbing on the spark plug tube on all had one guy come in with 45,000 miles when his went out but the cam chain was not rubbing on the tube he was using synthetic so there is a difference as long as you do regular change and you filter no passing dirt and No K & N filters at least in the desert south west

      and I got 485,000 miles out of my 2008 Aveo 5 and 450,000 out of my Nissan 1995 V6 4WD using synthetics first 75,000 was using motorcycle oil has more EP'C as I had free access to it but changed it every 1,500 miles as a lot of short trips

      Last edited by sjcleckley1; 01-01-2025 at 04:07 PM.

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