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    Thread: Drive idler pulley and drive tensioner pulley idea. Doable?

    1. #1
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      Drive idler pulley and drive tensioner pulley idea. Doable?

      New here.

      I've read the topics on here regarding the pulleys and have an idea towards installing aluminum pulleys on these cars.

      Drive Belt Tenstioner Pulley; 76mm x 17mm Flat Steel, 31mm wide
      Drive Belt Idler Pulley; 109mm x 17mm

      Not sure if the outer diameter specifications above are correct; are they? (Just double checking)

      Since the idler pulley and the tensioner pulley don't affect the ratio because they are on the outside of the belt; in theory, getting 2 aluminum pulleys with a combined diameter should work. example: 76mm+109mm=185mm Instead of 76mm tensioner and 109mm idler; I might be able to install a slightly smaller idler pulley and bigger or same size tensioner pulley based of how far the tensioner pulley tensions and how far away the belt is from touching the casing on the idler pulley side. See pic below.

      Name:  pulleys.jpg
Views: 2528
Size:  20.1 KB
      Bigger: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9h...it?usp=sharing

      I will take any input you guys can give me. Is it doable?

      Last edited by Swift+; 08-10-2014 at 07:49 PM. Reason: Added link to larger picture.

    2. #2
      Should I keep it?
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      The timing belt idler is 64mm by 29mm.

      Close to 70 reads and no one thought to mention my initial error?
      Last edited by Swift+; 08-16-2014 at 05:56 PM.

    3. #3
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      I doubt many people have measured them. Buy the part, make sure it looks the same as the old one, do the work.

      Had I caught this the first time around, or if your still considering, I think changing their diameters could be bad. Yes, the math works for the length of the belt, but by changing the size of the tensioner pulley you change the application of force. We tend to measure in Ft lbs, but some engineer somewhere knew how many psi was being applied. Change the touching surface from say 1 square inch to 3/4 a square inch and the PSI changes a lot! Might not make a bit of difference, might even make the belt last longer. Or your belt could fail in 20k miles instead of 60k. Not the kind of thing I would bet my engine on.

    4. #4
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      changing the diameters would be bad. its not like a serpentine system, its more like clockwork.

      if you can find the pulley that will fit, then that is ok. But it is not the plastic part of the pulley that fails. it is the bearing.

    5. #5
      Still love my daily driver
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      Check out TTV racing...they have a second gen pulley kit, n probably a first....I'd rather not risk a F... Up

    6. #6
      Should I keep it?
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      The purpose of the tensioner is to put tension on the belt and the purpose of the timing idler pulley is to feed the belt to the crankshaft sprocket. The timing idler pulley has nothing to do with precise timing like the pulleys on the inside of the belt. I just need to find an aluminum idler pulley that will feed the belt to the crankshaft pulley without the belt hitting the timing cover and not too small where the tensioner can't place tension on the belt.

      I'm going to install the aftermarket plastic one for the time being and most likely get a custom one made from a couple websites that I found.
      Last edited by Swift+; 08-16-2014 at 09:26 PM.

    7. #7
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      .. But it is not the plastic part of the pulley that fails. it is the bearing.
      A few years ago I read something (not on this fourm) from some guy who was adamant that ONLY metal pulleys can be used on Aveos Although he stated this as a fact, he gave no sources or statistics to back up that statement, and also didn't give his background and experience either. But if you read it on the web, it must be true.

      Everyone who is running around with their hair on fire looking for metal pulleys needs to consider one thing. The parts makers are on the hook for somewhere around 2K if their pulley is the cause of a timing belt failure. Considering the amount at risk, versus how much they're making on the part, what are the chances of them trying to save $3 (or whatever small amount it really is) if they believed there was any chance these non-metal pulleys would break and cause a timing belt failure? Are all of these parts outfits that dumb? Personally I don't think so. I've used non-metalic pulleys 3 times on our Aveos, and will have no reservation installing more of them.

      You're obviously intent on using a metal pulley even if means using a non-standard part. You posted this idea, received all negative comments on it, and then rejected what these guys have said. Hey, you're obviously free to do whatever you want with your vehicle - have at it.
      But why ask for feedback if something is going to work, if you've already made up your mind in advance that it will?

    8. #8
      Should I keep it?
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      Quote Originally Posted by avguy View Post
      A few years ago I read something (not on this fourm) from some guy who was adamant that ONLY metal pulleys can be used on Aveos Although he stated this as a fact, he gave no sources or statistics to back up that statement, and also didn't give his background and experience either. But if you read it on the web, it must be true.

      Everyone who is running around with their hair on fire looking for metal pulleys needs to consider one thing. The parts makers are on the hook for somewhere around 2K if their pulley is the cause of a timing belt failure. Considering the amount at risk, versus how much they're making on the part, what are the chances of them trying to save $3 (or whatever small amount it really is) if they believed there was any chance these non-metal pulleys would break and cause a timing belt failure? Are all of these parts outfits that dumb? Personally I don't think so. I've used non-metalic pulleys 3 times on our Aveos, and will have no reservation installing more of them.

      You're obviously intent on using a metal pulley even if means using a non-standard part. You posted this idea, received all negative comments on it, and then rejected what these guys have said. Hey, you're obviously free to do whatever you want with your vehicle - have at it.
      But why ask for feedback if something is going to work, if you've already made up your mind in advance that it will?
      I don't need an aluminum pulley because I am afraid that the plastic one will break. I need one because the way I drive and because I feel parts should last longer.

      Negative comments? Nope. Unrealistic comments. I wasn't so sure and now I am sure that it is doable. I made the mistake of asking the opinion of sheep's.

    9. #9
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Oh, now I understand! Enjoy the aluminium pulleys, I'm sure you'll get a few HP out of them. Make sure to check into a hydrogen generator setup next. The govt won't let any car manufacture pre install them, but BOTH your power and MPG will go way up. It really works! Ignore all the silly sites that try to explain them away with physics.

    10. The Following User Says Thank You to gothstone For This Useful Post:

      RacerX (09-23-2016)

    11. #10
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      Well, all of this leaves me speachless - can't even muster up a single BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
      But I suppose this type of thing happens on just about every forum sooner or later.
      However, the one good thing is that the Wascially Wabbit has finally been exposed to all as what he really is. Just one of those sheeps in drag.

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