I have a question: the engine 1.2 16v 84 Cv (62 kw) is sold only in Europe?
I have a question: the engine 1.2 16v 84 Cv (62 kw) is sold only in Europe?
the italian forum
Italian website dedicated to the Chevrolet Aveo
i believe it is, look on wiki, i remeber it was on there
Yup, it is and its soooooooo slow!
Think it's been stolen from a Corsa SXI.
2009 Chevy Aveo S 3 door
1973 Triumph Toledo 1300
my lawnmower runs a 1/4 mile quicker
My 1973 Triumph Toledo can out run it with a 60hp 1.3 engine due to the weight difference!
2009 Chevy Aveo S 3 door
1973 Triumph Toledo 1300
hahaha its so small, when you putting turbo on it???
Need to find an Astra GSI and rip it's heart out! I believe the engines related to the one in the Cobalt SS. Still got 2 and a bit years of Chevy warranty though so it won't get done for a while. More interested in souping up the Triumph for power - 2.0 16v Dolomite Sprint engine or 3.5 V8 Rover. Powers the same on both near enough but the V8 has loads more torque!
2009 Chevy Aveo S 3 door
1973 Triumph Toledo 1300
yeah I meant turbo for the triumph, looks like a nice car
It was a nice car until I painted it blue, it was originally brown! Going to be doing some major work over the next while. Got a set of 13 inch slot mags to replace the 15 inch MGF rims. Gonna fix up the bodywork and paint it yellow and paint the stripes black! The weather ain't been too great over here but taking a coupla weeks off work soon so will save up my money for the stuff I need and just go mental with it! I'll post up a topic to show the progress when I start the work to save spamming this poor guys thread!
2009 Chevy Aveo S 3 door
1973 Triumph Toledo 1300
I just saw one of those at a car show, but someone stuffed a mopar V8 in it!
I think I have a pic of it somewhere.
that 3.5 rover engine is actually an old buick powerplant from the 1960's. Its a common swap for street rods because its alot lighter than the small block chevy. (all aluminum) Just not as many cube's.