Engine fan plug
I've been looking around trying to find where the engine fan plug actually plugs in on the engine but haven't seen anything.
I found my engine fan plug is disconnected (causing me to overheat when idling) but can't seem to locate where it reconnects. Anyone able to give me a hand with it? Pictures would be helpful.
see it there at the bottom directly below the battery in the picture..
And a HUGE thanks to rabbit for taking apart the whole front end of his car just to answer a question. That's dedication! :D
i had a few minutes free :P
Appreciate that rabbit.. you really didn't have to do ALL that to prove a point! :D
We all know Rabbit is the MAN
It's was not that hard for him. Remember the speed tape holding on the bumper? Just yank it off and take pictures.
he also took the reinforcement bar off. That's like 8 bolts. plus the headlights, another 4 bolts. So he prolly took half a day just for that picture.
Since he took the picture during the day, and the question asked at night, my conclusion is that he has psychic powers. HE CAN SEE IN THE FUTURE! or he has a flux capacitor somewhere hidden in that Aveo.
I am sure he has the flux capacitor, an overthruster and a retro-encabulator.
im glad someone here is helpful
i dont get that.
i like the po lam a lou song better
more in the spirit of the season of seven :P
I just laughed really hard at this thread and that was a fun way to say ROFLMAO.