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    Thread: Engine Problems

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Engine Problems

      Hello everyone I need some help.

      I have a 2004 Chevy Aveo with the 1.6 motor. I thought the fuel pump went but turned out it was not. Thought it was the coil pack but it was not. I get good fuel to the fuel rail. But i am not getting any spark. Checked all fuses and still no spark. Timing belt is still good. Car has 55000 miles on it. I can not figure out what is wrong with it. I do not know if the crank or cam sensor are involved with the spark or not. If anyone has any kind of suggestion for me to try ill be more then happy to. The OBD II reads no errors as well.

    2. #2
      What do you mean there's no turbo? paulsaveo's Avatar
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      assuming the issue is no spark, what did you do to determine their is no spark? cam and crank (i cant remeber if their is a crank) sensors aid in timing, if the ecu is not getting proper readings, it could cut spark. In most cases though, those sensors would set a code.

    3. #3
      Almost time to do my timing belt daug1502's Avatar
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      Did you check all the spark plugs and wires? How did you determine no spark?
      2008 Aveo5 SV

      I will think of a better signature later.

    4. #4
      What's wrong with my car?
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      I checked each wire with a new spark plug. no wire had spark. Tried new wires still no spark. Its a new coil pack so i know its not the pack. All fuses are good, pulled everyone and checked all good. I was looking for a wire diagram from the computer to everything to trace the route to see what is all involved in the spark but cant find a good diagram. If i can find a good diagram thats from the omputer to everything i can trace it to each sensor and what not and see which one/s are bad and change them.

    5. #5
      What do you mean there's no turbo? paulsaveo's Avatar
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      I may be thinking of the wrong member but, find petrified.rabbit, I believe he has some diagrams that are downloadable

    6. #6
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      Did you plug in the new coil pack? haha.

      Based on your description there really is not a reason you shouldn't have a check engine light. I would find a live data scanner and see what reading and not reading. How do you know you get good fuel all the time? (as in what made you think it was the fuel pump?) If you want to test spark, as i am not sure how you have done it, and you REALLY need to do it this way with waste spark ignition.. have the other engine together, all the wires in place on the plugs, and the pull one wire at a time and hold the wire 1/8-1/4" from the engine (metal) and crank it. you should see the spark from the wire to the block(pull back the boot). putting a spark plug on it like you did might not complete the circuit.

      I do have a complete manual for the aveo on monova.org. I cant post / send just a page or two as the wiring diagram you need is a whole section, as it a complete car harness not just sectionalized.

    7. #7
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Okay, so i tested everything again. I put a screw driver in the in plug wire and i held it and touched the car i got zapped... but then there is nothing for awhile then a slight zap after that. so i hooked a new plug back into the boot and grounded to the side of the block. it sparked a orange spark then nothing for a few turns then another spark. its not a contant spark u would see, the gap between sparks is about 20-30 seconds apart and for a 4 cyclinder it should be faster then that. So im wonder would it be crank/cam sensor? or any other problems?

    8. #8
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Hook a scanner up to it or if it has a rpm gauge in it see if you are getting a rpm signal that will tell you if your crank sensor is good

    9. #9
      What's wrong with my car?
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      i hooked up a code scanner but it shows pass, no way to take it to a garage sence it dont run. when i crank the motor over the tach dont do anything. im thinking it has to be a sensor sence all the fuses are good and just wont start.

    10. #10
      What's wrong with my car?
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      When I said hook up scanner I meant one with live data instead just read codes. The crank sensor is the main deal for rpm signal and to tell coil packs and injectors when to fire. If you have an ohm meter you can test the crank sensor. It's just below the oil filter maybe see if the connector is damaged or wire rubbed through on it

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