i would have it on a switch....i dont race around all the time i would only use the n2o when i am racing or wanna have a lil fun.Originally Posted by xtreme 2
i would have it on a switch....i dont race around all the time i would only use the n2o when i am racing or wanna have a lil fun.Originally Posted by xtreme 2
well nitrous does chemically what a turbo and intercooler does mechanically, so some would say lower is better but that would be it you where running it all the time.
keep in mind that yes nitrous is a gas but NOT a fuel, it's just cold super condensed air. because it's cold and condensed it helps to prevent detonation. also keep in mind that CR is chosen based on detonation prevention (based on low octane). If I have explained this correctly then you can see that high compression and nitrous basically counter their negative attributes.
long story short I'd say 10.0:1-10.5:1 would be the way to go.
What is the stock CR of the Aveo? Anybody know?
"If I parked a T-72 tank in my back yard, aimed the cannon towards Mexico, and muttered something
about protecting my village from an invasion, the police would show up and probably haul me away."
how would it work running n2o all the time on a wot switch? how is tuning for it? hard???
it would be EXPENSIVE!! running full time nitrous is more of a dragster option where there "full time" lasts about 5-10 seconds.
nitrous isn't really hard to tune for, think of it a little bit like a chemical V-Tech. you really only want to use it at wide open throttle or close to (atleast as a street application).
hmm ok...so one time use is fine for me i dont have to have it always there. how would i tune for that then?? since i would be using a piggy back.
Use a wet shot and there is nothing to tune for. You do not want to run it all the time tho. With a wet shot, it is a mix of nitrous and fuel that injects into the intake. If you have the right sized jets, your a/f ratio is not gonna change. The only thing you might wanna do is turn back some of the ignition timing.
Running a WOT Switch is a fine idea... dunno if these guys have ever used it but I've installed a few ZEX kits with it... Pretty nice...
It's not "all the time" per say, but you have a prime switch and then a switch that is positioned on the throttle body that activates only when the Throttle Body is opened to WOT... You prime the system, and when you are ready it goes with you. But only at WOT...
So technically you could leave it on all the time if you don't smoke, and it would do nothing until you mash the peddle to the floor.
-- xtreme 2
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keep in mind, WOT on the aveo means the throttle is opened up to 82%. that is with the throttle by wire system on the 06s and up, dunno bout the 05s and lower.
anyone know how to change that?
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.