Hi guys am new to the forum and need help. I have a 2009 chevy lt aveo 5 (the hatch back version) the other day I was driving on the freeway and my car stuttered for about 4 seconds like it wanted to turn off and went away. The next day it did it again about the same speed (60-65) but this time the service engine light turned on but went away after. Today my car did the same thing but this time the car stuttered, service engine light turned on and then the hold light was flashing and the engine light was flashing and wouldn't go away this time. When I came to a complete stop the hold light went away but the ses light stayed on . When I turn my car on now the ses light stays on solid and the car stutters on idle. I don't know why this is happening the car has 48,000 miles. My car is original no modifications made and is automatic. I don't think it's my transmission because the car runs just stutters like it wants to turn and shakes. The cars idle rpm shakes up and down. I dont need to give it gas to stay on but does stutter. Please help guys its my only car and I need the problem to go away soon. Someone told me maybe it's the maf sensor or maybe the air sensor . Please help