Any one have any idea whether what size individual throttle body to use for aveo? 45mm or 48mm? I am thinking of using this set from civic to modify the intake flange to fit aveo.
I know civic manifold also use bosch injectors which are direct universal fit for aveo. So no isssue. I also had a custom return line for fuel and a SARD fuel regulator, so no issues for fuel. Intend to put microtech stand alone ecu after the ITB mod.
But wonders what to do with the TPS sensor, idle control valve motor and MAP sensors which are on the stock intake manifold now. Also any issues with vacuum (the golden circlular thingy on manifold which looks like waste gate)?
Aveo intake manifold have EGR at the throttle body, TPS at throttle body and idle control motorise valve on torttle body. Not sure where is the MAP sensor though.
What is the circular thing and the 2 golden tube on the left most cylinder pipe near the manifold flange? Are they throttle position sensor and EGR (exos gas recirculation) ?