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    Thread: installing a transmission oil temperature gauge (manual trans)

    1. #21
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      Quote Originally Posted by northguest47 View Post
      My point is that 'sometimes, the transmission gear oil overheats before the coolant does', so I respect all of your opinions- what I think I am adding is that above 300F the transmission gear oil overheats and then that means the transmission can then overheat and eventually if not monitored, it will fully bind and fail, thus needing a re-build. My reasoning was 'to avoid that, one needs a transmission gear oil temperature sensor, and if it never overheats it will be a boring gauge. I think it would do no harm to do this install, but yes, one can say it might not be necessary.
      When you say transmission oil "overheats in some cases", are you talking about manual or auto? These are two entirely different things, and have entirely different answers. I have to agree with the previous two posters that manual oil overheating is generally not a problem. If it somehow got to the point of overheating, your transmission at that point is probably a bunch of metal chunks swimming around loose in oil. The damage is done long before the oil would overheat.

    2. #22
      What do you mean there's no turbo? northguest47's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by jimzdat View Post
      but most of the manuals I've worked on don't have a "pan" in which to install said sensor
      the 2006 manual has a pan - there was an older post about it here
      Last edited by northguest47; 03-13-2016 at 09:01 AM.

    3. #23
      What do you mean there's no turbo? northguest47's Avatar
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      This has been an interesting thread - when towing a heavy trailer in the dead of winter, up a mountain pass, it is possible that although the car seems to be running fine, the manual transmission is overheating. This is because although on commercial vehicles there are temperature gauges for the transmissions/differentials, typically on non-commercial vehicles these gauges aren't installed.
      So towing a heavy trailer in winter up a hill can possibly overheat the 5 speed manual transmission gear oil, but not the coolant. Thats it, it was just a thought experiment about why not put a temp sensor in there even just for fun. Just to see it i guess. I'm gonna do it.
      Last edited by northguest47; 06-03-2016 at 11:56 PM. Reason: manual transmission, not automatic

    4. #24
      What do you mean there's no turbo? northguest47's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by jimzdat View Post
      about the only recourse you'd have in the event of a high temperature would be to pull over and wait for the trans and oil to cool down - which would likely take hours
      Agreed, jimzdat, you are describing the same thing. On a 2500 mile trip a couple hours here and there no prob. And of course, most likely the coolant will overheat first.. but you never know.
      Last edited by northguest47; 05-09-2016 at 07:45 AM.

    5. #25
      What do you mean there's no turbo? northguest47's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by WyrTwister View Post
      But , you probably should be more concerned about the clutch?
      Already concerned and researched - pretty much the consensus was that unless the stock clutch does slip, don't bother. But duly noted, I've looked into it a bit.

    6. #26
      What do you mean there's no turbo? northguest47's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by jimzdat View Post
      I'd be more concerned with going back DOWN the hill, and trying to safely control your speed. The brakes aren't really designed for that sort of work, and even a small trailer will end up with a "tail wagging the dog" sort of issue, at least possibly.
      yes, very good point - thats why I'd never tow with an automatic - so just to clarify to all readers 'I am talking about a 5spd manual transmission with synthetic gear oil- not an automatic'. The 5spd has a considerable amount of engine braking ability when you let the rpms get up high. And I have smaller tires installed which improve my brakes by about 7%. And for all readers, I have 'a lot' of experience towing in the winter, in the Coast Mountain range, so if anyone is worthy to try this out, its me. Pemberton, BC to Calgary, AB via the Coquihalla pass, Rogers Pass, and Kicking Horse pass is about the most difficult run anyone is going to encounter in North America, so it will serve as a great testing run later on this season.
      Last edited by northguest47; 06-03-2016 at 11:50 PM.

    7. #27
      What do you mean there's no turbo? northguest47's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by xintersecty View Post
      My only concern would be harmonic forces from bad roads and truck back wash. That crap can beat you around.
      Agreed, Xintersecty. And I have a solution to be installed that will vastly improve the car and trailer aerodynamics. Cross-winds and truck back wash were the first design concerns we had way back when I had a meeting to discuss my idea with some colleagues. The product is called Airtab (check out airtab dot com) and although its use is vastly in the commercial vehicle market, the same physics applies to the 'Aveo-Travel-trailer' combo. These tabs mounted to the rear of the Aveo, and the rear of the trailer will make a HUGE difference on harmonic forces. Most especially cross-winds and tractor trailer backwash.
      Trust me, folks, I'm throwing every possible aerodynamic improvement and car improvement I can think of to make this project a safe and reliable package... (the trailers shape is based on an aircraft wing for one) hence the manual transmission oil temperature guage - just to get to learn the range for the transmission.. if I can even get it to heat up, surely in the Summer I can, but like Camopoint said, it may not even pass 200F which will be great if its true. Anyway you cut it I'm gonna be putting this motor and tranny to the ultimate test this year.
      geeps this post is wandering waay off from original topic but I started the thread so I guess thats allowed
      Last edited by northguest47; 06-04-2016 at 12:27 AM.

    8. #28
      What do you mean there's no turbo? northguest47's Avatar
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      Lastly, I'd just like to personally thank, Camopaint0707, Xintersecty, Avguy, Jimzdat, Thankful Raggamuffin, Edk, Wyrtwister, and Zchandran for responding to this thread. I take all your input seriously. I want to build out design concerns and fail-safes now while its still cheap to do so. 7 weeks left in the build but probably sooner to start hill testing.

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