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    Thread: intake ?

    1. #11
      Almost time to do my timing belt ontarian_frog's Avatar
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      Re: intake ?

      Quote Originally Posted by screech985
      What is a better intake for better gas millage on an 04 Aveo, RAM or CAI

      also what type of power is better, low end or high end
      For better fuel economy, you may want to put a short ram or what ecomodders call a warm air intake. I also said horsepower would probably be affected negatively.

      I leased Pontiac Wave from September 2006 to August 2011.

    2. #12
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      Re: intake ?

      Here is an analysis of the Aveo's intake.

      The smallest park of the factory aveo air intake/filter system is not 60mm:

      factory intake, notice it has a @ 150 degree bend where air also must pass itself going into and out of the intake muffler:

      smallest cross section cut open:

      So the smallest diameter of the intake pipe on a factory aveo intake pipe is during the radius of a @ 150 degree turn where the air passes itself into the muffler. That diameter is 1 7/16" which is 36.5125mm.

      36.5 mm diameter in the smallest part of the pipe

    3. #13
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      Re: intake ?

      Comparing the Aveo's 1.6l engine to a completely different engine is not even close to solid info. There are so many differences between the two its amazing. To use that info as a general guideline is one thing, but to use it as solid fact for every engine in existence is just wrong as many had posted good info in opposition to.

      We're here to get good info on Aveos. Sharing is great and we could have had a wonderful level headed discussion about the differences between the engines and probably all would have learned something. However, things didn't go that way, and we don't want a board full of arguments.

      Anyway, NorthernAveo will no longer be contributing to this forum.

    4. #14
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Re: intake ?

      Quote Originally Posted by Daox

      Anyway, NorthernAveo will no longer be contributing to this forum.
      Thank you!! =D> =D> =D> =D>

    5. #15
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      Re: intake ?

      Nice job mods.
      I wasnt listening to what was posted because I have an intake installed on my auto aveo and i feel better throttle response when i push the gas pedal.

    6. #16
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Re: intake ?

      reddemonx92, do you have a RAM or CAI?

    7. #17
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      Re: intake ?

      I have a CAI i have to post pics of it on my build thread here. I have the pics on aveonetwork because this site was down for quite some time

    8. #18
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      Re: intake ?

      man i missed a good argument.....i swear its like the same person that pops up every year or so with a different name that starts trouble because they just pull info out the butt.

      If you want to make an intake, here are some factors that affect the air coming in:

      how smooth the pipe layout is- the more bends and ruffles the intake has the more minor losses there will be. major losses will be your fiction due to the material but compared the turns and ruffles in the intake over that short length of pipe, that loss will be negligible.

      the pipe diameter- making the pipe bigger that the inlet on the throttle body is pointless. actually it just adds to the minor losses in the system due to bounced back air.

      as mentioned earlier, adding a short ram taking in warm air will increase the mpg because the air will be less dense and if the ecu compensates correctly, less fuel will be input into the system. at the same time, the less fuel and air, the less power u will make. considering we are talking about a 100 bhp car, the amount lost is negligible. adding a cold air, will increase the density of the air coming in and the ecu will adjust by adding more fuel. this will technically make slightly more power but again the car only starts with 100. when i built my final intake design, i just went for really smooth pipes and air box, with easy to remove K&N replacement filter. also i increased the size of the pipe going into the fender well. that way it seals off while providing more air under the filter to be drawn in.

    9. #19
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      Re: intake ?

      Quote Originally Posted by NorthernAveo
      Again, let's see some photos when you have installed the intake you have argued that is so needed on this car.
      Maybe you can do an install "how-to". I am sure it would be appreciated in the "How-to" section so all readers can benefit from it.
      Just in case anyone was wondering, Petrified.Rabbit has several years of experience with just about every kind of car out there. Including his several years of experience building exotic race cars for a living. He also has a true CAI intake on his 09' Aveo5 that I have seen myself in photos. His automotive knowledge(especially VW related) simply amazes me. For you sir to point fingers and insult a member on this board such as Keith who has contributed sooo much technical information and mod how-to's is blasphemy! Especially since you have been 100% disproven on every piece of information you have contributed thus far. Comparing aftermarket air-flow results from a Hemi to and Aveo is complete idiocy. It is people like you that make poor "ricer-boys" that don't know any better destroy their cars because you provided them with false information to make yourself appear smarter. Mods and Admins I apologize for this small outburst on my part, but this was allowed to go too far. I had to get that off my chest. In any case, I hope Rabbit doesn't mind but here are the pics of his intake modified from one for a 92' Honda Accord:

      He had the foglight out just to show where the filter sits:
      Farthest North Aveo: Fairbanks, Alaska

    10. #20
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? thehunterooo's Avatar
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      Re: intake ?

      hahaha even aveorob got in on that one

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