What do people think about this kit? (besides being overpriced) If it were less expensive, would you consider it? What's the most you would pay for a pre-assembled, bolt-on kit?
What do people think about this kit? (besides being overpriced) If it were less expensive, would you consider it? What's the most you would pay for a pre-assembled, bolt-on kit?
dont buy anything from maximumboost.net they are very unreliable as i have mentioned in the past, you have been warned
Yeah, not such a good ebay rating either. I contacted them and asked if they had any pics of the kit installed (to prove it fits). Of course they didn't. However, they did say that they'd offer a whopping $300 (per kit) discount if 10 were bought.![]()
Personally, I wouldn't buy anything without proof that it fit.
dont buy it....someone on the old forum did and it wasnt even really a kit made for the car....the manifold didnt work and they took forever to get one that didnt, and i dont even kno if they did because the kid never got it done....build your own kit would be the best option and if you need help people on here and on daewootech can help iron out the details..
I'm actually friends with Frank, the owner of Maximum Boost.net. I worked with him to get the kit started, as well as teaming up with computerkiller from the old forum to be the test fit subject.
The reason there are no installed pics is that computerkiller backed out on the kit, after he became unable to pay for it. Frank lost some good money getting the manifold made from a company in Canada, as well as getting together all the other pieces.
He did it cause I told him that Aveo people would WANT a turbo kit, since that seemed to be the major subject on the previous AveoClub. So after all the work and $$ he invested (this is a personal business, not huge corporation) and nobody bought one...well he got burned. Then to add icing to the cake he gets all these people starting to talk crap about him because he got a Canadian company to make the manifolds and they took their dear sweet time getting it finished....also making Frank look bad.
So in the end... It's kinda difficult for me to support getting new products with this track record. I'm still working on stuff for us though...
wait wait wait... He's selling a kit that's never been test fit or tested at all?
Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall. Torque is how far the wall moves after you hit it.
That's what it seems like. Probably more like a "hey, this looks like it might fit" kinda thing. I totally support anyone trying to put stuff together for us, but I get sick of the bs. If you don't have the real deal, just say so. You know?Originally Posted by exodus
That's what I'd like to do. Every time someone posts about their own efforts though, it seems like they're saying different stuff, using different things, maybe getting things working, maybe not. Like I said, I wouldn't buy a kit without proof that it fit and worked. Was just trying to get a feel for the general opinion of them versus DIY and how much more people were willing to pay for one than gathering everything yourself. I have a friend who owes me some money and is close with a guy who has access to lots of performance parts. So if you (or anyone else) has ideas for a "shopping list", I'd love to hear them.Originally Posted by AVE0SAM
hey this is computerkiller from the old forum couldnt get my old name back because some spam bot bull**** but what happen with the whole turbo kit was my dad put 2400 down on it and waited 2 months for parts and my started to worry that he took the money and ran and a week before it happen he back out for taking too long also since frank didnt call him letting him know anything about the mainfold beside saying it was being custom made and he though i kill myself racing but he does have the kit on his site and i was going to do a garret t3 turbo stage 3 and 8 psi of boost i have all the paperwork for proof and ive met with frank in person he seem like a cool guy i felt bad that my dad dick him over though also since my car was going to be the test car for the turbo frank was going to take a 1 million buck insurance poilcy just incase the car blew up with me in it also poilcy on just the engine and parts for 2 years
holy **** use ponctuation!,.?;
I leased Pontiac Wave from September 2006 to August 2011.