wow- long commute? im just trying to stay on top of maintenance so she will run well for me for a looooooong time.Originally Posted by CorNut
wow- long commute? im just trying to stay on top of maintenance so she will run well for me for a looooooong time.Originally Posted by CorNut
Low n Slow
92500km's (roughly 57500 miles) and still running strong, original timing belt and shocks, new brakes in rear, new brakes in front soon
> 2010 Mazdaspeed 3
- Fully built, GT35R, 500+ whp
> 2004 Hatchback 2.0L Turbocharged [RETIRED]
- T3/T4 T04E .60 A/R Compressor
- HKS SSQV, OBX Wastegate
- FMIC with 2.5" piping
- Tuned with Megasquirt II v3.57
Bought mine October '06 with 11,000 miles, today 38,000. Just a new battery.
I'm at 30,000 and changed the battery and the belts are looking like they will be screaming out for attention here, shortly so....
"A True Soldier fights not becuase he hates whats in front of him; but becuase he loves whats behind him."
I'm not really living dangerously here, and I know a $250 bill is better then a new valve job, but i cannot afford 250 right now since we just moved, we have almost no money and we are trying to figure out how we are going to pay november bills since we both just started new jobs, and we dont have credit cards. I'm sure it'll be fine as long as I baby it
may sound odd, but I actually use my aveo for mail delivery. I deliver to 700 homes every day in a rural area. My car has some really hard miles on it. The best I get is 20mpg but that is very rare. 23k miles with the way I treat it and there being no problems is actually pretty amazing. well my rotors are warped and will need machined really soon but that's about it surprisingly. I always bought used cars before and they would last 10-15k miles at most. I'm lovin the 100k mile warrantyOriginally Posted by boxkiller
especially if I dont have to use it. I just like knowing it's there.
I may not put a whole lot of miles on my car, but the type of miles it gets are brutal
Ive only had mine for about 4 months and just got the first tune up done and just went over 4k miles on her. And all I had was warp drums. Got them fixed for free. Love the warranty. I fell you on the gas mileage, I get 23 on the freeways. Hopefully it gets better. Good luck on the jobs and situation CorNut.
Damn that mileage sucks. I regularly get 35mpg combined.
im guessing you guys dont have the 60,000 mile warranty because the timing belt is covered under that to have it changed
i have 68500 at how many k's should i change the timing belt? accesory belts pretty cracked but the timing belt looks good