Is my automatic transmission to full? I am TRYING to figure out how to do a fluid change on my own. Still cant find out IF my 06 Aveo has a drain bolt or not. So I am getting a 'transfer pump', and going to suck it out through the dipstick hole, 2 quarts at a time, and do it 3-4 times, till I get red/pink fluid on the dipstick.

BUT I just checked my tranny fluid level, it is stone cold, haven't moved it in 2 days. The fluid is right at the top of the 'full-hot' level notch on the dipstick. Is that to much fluid? It is nowhere near the 'cold' notch on the dipstick. Is this a problem? Or no? It is shifting fine, no problems, except I want to change the fluid out. this to much fluid? Or is this just where it ends up after a few days of not driving?