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    Thread: O2 Sensor code - P0053 Heater resistance Bank 1 Sensor 1

    1. #11
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      I have downloaded the pdf's for your car ( wiring diagrams / schematics ) . Do you want me to email them to you ?

      I think you are right , the fuse is EMS-2 .

      If you have 12VDC from the heater pin & battery ground & 8.5 VDC between the 2 heater pins , I am wondering if you are loosing ground , partially ?

      God bless

    2. #12
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      Hard to say is 8.5v OK or not. All I know it's not going to be 12v. Some voltage always drops on the transistor inside car's brain. It opens/closes frequently (pulse width modulation) and connects o2 to the ground. The ECU controls the o2 temperature by changing the width of the pulse.

      Name:  sensor.JPG
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      Last edited by Enjoyneering; 09-20-2016 at 12:11 PM.

    3. #13
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      New update guys.

      Looks like 8.5v is a normal voltage between the supply and ground at the connector. The ECU powered by 5v source.
      - When the transistor is fully closed, the voltage on the pins is around Vbat-(5v..3v) or 8.5v in my case.
      - When the transistor is fully opened, the voltage on the pins should be Vbat-0.6v or 11.4v in my case.
      Last edited by Enjoyneering; 09-21-2016 at 04:17 PM.

    4. #14
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      Good day everyone,

      New update guys. After I've figured out that the wiring is OK it is a time to look at other options. The ECU always throws two codes: P0053 & P0133.

      What causes the P0053 code?
      - Faulty HO2 sensor. (Unlikely it's broken, but it's a chance it's not the right one (it's not certified by GM). So I skipped for now.)
      - Damaged or disconnected electrical connector at the oxygen sensor (Checked. OK)
      - Faulty or shorted wiring in the oxygen sensor circuit (Checked. OK)
      - Blown fuse for the HO2S sensor (Checked. OK)
      - Low or excessive fuel pressure (Don't have a pressure gauge. So I skipped for now.)
      - Vacuum leak on the engine
      - Excessive exhaust leaks
      - Faulty ECU (Engine Control Unit), in rare cases (Unlikely it's broken. Don't have a oscilloscope. So I skipped for now)

      What causes the P0133 code?
      - A faulty O2 Sensor (Unlikely it's broken, but it's a chance it's not the right one (it's not certified by GM). So I skipped for now.)
      - A leaking exhaust manifold
      - An engine vacuum leak
      - An open or short in the wiring of the O2 sensor (Checked. OK)
      - Soot or oil buildup on the O2 sensor (excessive buildup) (Sensor is new. OK)
      - A dirty mass air flow sensor (Cleaned two moths ago with carb cleaner. OK)
      - Incorrect fuel pressure

      This codes have three things in common:
      - Low or excessive fuel pressure
      - Vacuum leak on the engine
      - Excessive exhaust leaks

      I don't have the pressure gauge so skipped the first cause for now. Vacuum and exhaust leaks are easy to check. So i did and guess what - I have a vacuum leak in the third injector. Ordered injector seal kit for 32CAD. Will try this weekend. I'm pretty sure it's going to fix P0133 code and doubt about P0053.

      The ECU algorithm for P0053 code is:
      - The ignition is switched off for more than 8 hours. (this is why almost everybody has this code after 3 warm ups )
      - The difference in temperature of the engine coolant (ECT) and the inlet air temperature (IAT) is between 8 ° C (14 ° F)
      - ECT temperature is in the range from -30 to + 45 ° C (-22 to + 113 ° F)
      - The ignition voltage is less than 18 V
      - The duration of engine operation more than 200 ms.
      - After performing the above test conditions, P0053 run once for each engine start from a cold condition.

      As you can see all this tests conditions don't have any relation to vacuum, exhaust leaks and low or excessive fuel pressure. But who knows it's GM. We will see this weekend.
      Last edited by Enjoyneering; 09-22-2016 at 02:06 PM.

    5. #15
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      I do not know from personal experience , but I think I have read not to use carb cleaner on a mass air flow sensor ? Use cleaner specific for a MAFS .

      God bless

    6. #16
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      "cleaner specific for a MAFS" - is rebranded isopropyl alcohol. You can get 3 times more from Walmart for the same price of one MAF cleaner.

      Aveo5 2009 uses Bosch HFM-7 MAF sensor. It's a new technology and has hot film instead of thin wire. That film is OK to alcohol, acetone and carb cleaner.
      Last edited by Enjoyneering; 09-22-2016 at 02:52 PM.

    7. #17
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      This is how to clean MAF on Aveo5

      Name:  Capture.JPG
Views: 5015
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      Last edited by Enjoyneering; 09-22-2016 at 03:08 PM.

    8. #18
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Would the water in drug store rubbing alcohol cause problems .

      Iso-Heet gasoline additive is 99% isopropalol , I think ?


      God bless

    9. #19
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      This why the safety level is shown on the picture. Also buy only 99% or 70% alcohol, and dry the sensor immediately. Works fine for me.

      The "Iso-Heet" has odor additive. It can create residue on the sensor.
      Last edited by Enjoyneering; 09-22-2016 at 05:16 PM.

    10. #20
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Curious if you have solved the P0053 problem? I am going through a similar issue with my 09 Aveo5. I had a drivability problem creep in the other day on a 20 mile drive...hesitation and rough idle. No CEL, but when I got home my scanner showed P0053 pending. Seemed logical the O2 sensor might be bad at ~160K miles, so changed it out and cleared the code. Three or 4 starts later, CEL is on and showing only P0053. Interesting that driveability seems ok at this time. I saw your forum note and wondered if I might have a similar problem.

      John B

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