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    Thread: oil filter housing diagram

    1. #1
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      oil filter housing diagram

      hey everyone,
      I went to change the oil in my wifes 2009 aveo earlier, and the paper filter had come apart, i had to dig part of it out from the bottom of the oil filter housing, underneath of the plastic piece of the filter that had come off was a small black piece with a spring that was just laying in the bottom of it. I have been looking and believe that it may be an anti drainback valve? i was just trying to find a digram with how everything is supposed to go together since i don't think that i removed this part, i really want to make sure that it gets installed correctly. Thanks for any help!

      Last edited by hotrodrikk; 08-23-2011 at 01:46 AM.

    2. #2
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      pictures of yours? and i assume you mean oil filter? how long did you run that filter?

    3. #3
      What's wrong with my car?
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      I was hoping you would be the one to answer this. sorry, i don't have a camera, so i can't post it. the filter wasn't even 2 months old. and it didn't come out with the cap, so i grabbed the filter and pulled, but only half of the filter came out, so i had to pull on the paper that was left as that was all that i could grab. the bottom of the filter seemed to be lodged into place, so i had to find something to pull it out with, and that is when i must have grabbed the anti drain valve and pulled it out of place. it has been reinstalled, and all is well, but thank you for the response.

    4. #4
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      thats why i was looking for a picture, to determine if the part with the spring is actually part of the filter or part of the housing.

      so since you figured it out, how was it assembled?

    5. #5
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Not to be a know-it-all, but having run a NAPA store for 5+ years, I actually do know this. The anti-drainback valve IS actually part of the filter. Name:  anti-drain-back-valve.jpg
Views: 7400
Size:  11.4 KB There is sometimes a spring that goes between the filter and the housing on one of these cartridge-type filters, but ours has the fingers which snap into place to ensure proper sealing of the filter, so no spring.

      Happy Driving,

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