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    Thread: One hell of an expensive oil change

    1. #1
      fbc is offline
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      Angry One hell of an expensive oil change

      I took my car to the dealer for its 70Km oil change and maintenance. The service person claimed that upon removal of the OIL PAN BOLT the stint(Coil) that goes around the inside of the oil pan grooves, cam out with the bolt.

      And.. my options were to replace the oil pan case for $250dls or send the oil pan case to the machine shop and have them rethread the case.

      So I don't want an oil pan with another stint in it, so I told them to sent it to the machine shop to rethread the case.

      In my 30 years of doing oil changes I had never seen a oil pan with a stint in the oil pan that formed the thread. WTF!!!

    2. #2
      Aveo Whisperer 06T200's Avatar
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      I have seen stainless or titanium threaded inserts like heli-coils, but only in aftermarket and high end aviation engine parts. I did not know GM was doing steel thread inserts in production. Was this with a 1.6 engine?

    3. #3
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      Almost all of the aluminum oil pans I have worked on have some sort of "hardened" threads..
      I would be worried if you rethread the aluminum. That it would strip or leak.

      Shouldn't the dealer pay for this? I mean they broke it, they fix it.

    4. #4
      fbc is offline
      Should I keep it?
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      Yeah, I believe it's the 1.6. The mechanic claimed that the coil came out with the screw when he removed it. What the machine shop supposedly did was to welded a steel sleeve insert to the oil pan and they threaded that. All I know it that now I have a big-ass screw on the oil pan. Big. Easily double the size of the one before it.

    5. #5
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Dang! What were they using to put the drain bolt back on? Impact wrench?? I took my Dodge to the dealership for oil change. They came back and told me that the drain bolt was rounded off and needs to be replaced. I told them they had done my previous oil change and they were the last ones to work on my car. They checked and they said okay and they ate the cost of the new drain bolt. I've heard stories of some techs using impact to put the drain bolt back on. Scary... From that point on I've done all my oil changes. Never issue with rounded bolts again..

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