Hi there first time poster , been a guest for a while though.
I have a 2009 Aveo 5 LT auto with a vin E engine that has the vvt engine. The vehicle has 137,xxx miles.The over heating occurred after a cracked coolant resivour was noticed and temporally fixed while waiting for a new one that was ordered offline due to not being able to find it locally. The car over heated while my wife was driving, coolant resivour naturally came in the mail the day after:/ "Fxxxxx @&!!$". So I used a block tester kit with the blue fluid and the turkey baster thing and had a slight color change indicating exhaust gases in the cooling system and a bad boil over condition afterwards. So a friend and I took on the task of tearing it down. Over the next few days I aquired parts and dropped the head off at the machine shop. When we straight edged it in my garage we had a 8 thousandths of warp. The following week on Monday 5/9/16 I pick up the head and they did a great job at a fair price. So last night I go about cleaning the block deck and prepping for head install and torqueing. When I received the head back the cam pulleys and the cam bridge that routes the oil for the vvt to the cams was disassembled, I thought no big deal I can figure it out, I already have the camshaft holder bar"Kent Moore # KM-6628-A". Which I think I still need the cam pulley holder. Alright I apologize for the long winded post, the real question I'm having a hard time figuring out is if there is a gasket or sealant used between the head and the cam bridge?
thanks in advance for reading my post.