Rock has the upgrade replacement for $24.79.
Rock has the upgrade replacement for $24.79.
Patrick, stop referencing other site with prices in EVERY post or im going to ban you as a spammer.
First off, Im new here and new on a computer too. Until I found this site no one would help me or give me advise about anything. Im not a spammer but rather retired from the Army. I thought I would share some money saving tips and that is ALL! As far as posting is concerned, all my work is done to the car now. Ive seen your posts and they are more like a chat log then advice. You will never see me on here again! Learn some manners yourself because your not all that either.
He seems like a genuine guy, rabbit. Though I understand the trigger finger impulse.
If he were a real spammer, he'd be dropping live links, and I'd be more worried about it. (Also, he's posted some Auto Zone info as well as Rockauto. Unlikely they're both paying him for links!)