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    Thread: is it possible to blow a single coil in a 2009+ Coil Pack?

    1. #1
      LXV-SCOOTADRIVE, ON! 2010AveoLT's Avatar
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      is it possible to blow a single coil in a 2009+ Coil Pack?

      because yesterday after work, driving home I got a P0302 and the Blinky Check Engine Light of DOOOM and it also went into limp mode (locked out 4th gear even though it was fully warmed up) after i did a WOT takeoff from a stop light. the other 3 cylinders were still firing, to where I could get it home so I could start diagnosis. $115 later, and Cylinder 2 is firing again with a new Coil Pack. I've also noticed that at a steady speed, the tachometer used to twitch a little around 2000 RPM with the old coil pack, that twitch is now gone. do you all think my coil pack was on its way out, and my WOT Takeoff was the final blow that killed it? and perhaps the Coil pack had something to do with my converters going bad?

    2. #2
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      Potential Yes to all of that. Usually it is not the internals of the coil that fail, part of the coil develops a short to ground, or a crack in the protective coating so the spark plug no longer gets the charge.. EVEN though the coil pack is one unit, it is still 4 coils. (or two coils with waste spark) i never tore on from the aveo open.. Older coil packs that had high failure rates and high replacement cost we used to coat the outside of the coil pack in an epoxy or silicone to fill and insulate the crack. I used that dip you can coat tool handles with (just mask off the necessary connections, and dip it in the can, pull it out and let it dry, unmasking it before it hardens.

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