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    Thread: Replacing the alternator

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      Replacing the alternator

      Hello everyone,

      First post here as I don't own an Aveo, but I'm going to be (attempting) to replace the alternator on my friend's wife's 2004 Aveo automatic, 4 door I believe. (he's out of town on a fishing trip, hopefully catching the biggest muskie he's ever seen) I have yet to even look in the engine bay, but I'm not a stranger to automotive work, so I figure it can't be that hard. That being said, I've never worked on an American car before (Subaru, VW, Mazda), but I know I probably won't be needing any metric sockets - unless things have really changed.

      I found this post: http://www.aveoforum.com/phpBB3/view...27464&start=90

      The pictures seem to show it at the back of the engine bay - under the intake manifold it looks like. Are there any special cases of corrosion? Special tools I'll need? Tips or tricks?

      Okay, haha, before I posted I googled and found this: http://www.ehow.com/how_5978560_repl...hevy-aveo.html , and this: http://www.justanswer.com/questions/...-my-2004-chevy ) It actually looks pretty easy, but that's usually where things start out.

      Any extra info is still greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    2. #2
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      Re: Replacing the alternator

      You will need metric tools.

    3. #3
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      Re: Replacing the alternator

      Update on this, for those who are interested.

      Removal of the alternator cannot be done without removal of the throttle body as well (the instructions fail to mention this). Additionally, there is a metal bracket preventing the removal of the lower bolt that runs from the intake manifold down to the block - I am going to try and pick up a Haynes manual or something and see what that says.

      The pictures from this link: http://www.justanswer.com/questions/...-my-2004-chevy (free registration) show what I'm referring to (the last picture in the removal section, same as first picture in the installation section). That long bolt is stopped about 1/4-1/2" from being able to come out. At this point I am thinking the intake manifold must come out as well.

      Actually, looking at the picture again, I think maybe that lower bracket piece may come out after all. From what I could see (precious little, even with mirror-on-a-stick and flashlight), that appeared to be a large mount of some sort - but I could be mistaken. Will try again tomorrow and update.

      Also - for cars equipped with AC - the AC lines are directly in the way of a clear removal, hence having to remove the TB.

      The only thankful note so far is that no bolts have snapped (knock on wood).

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      Re: Replacing the alternator

      Did you try doing it from underneath? It's just above the axle. Lots of room otherwise to work.

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      Re: Replacing the alternator

      I had considered that, but wanted to avoid jacking it up if possible. This is over at their house, not in my garage, so I'm kind of a mobile shop at the moment. Their driveway also has a pretty steep angle to it.

      If I can't get it out through the top however, I'll have no choice. I did see that there was a lot more room - but it's a ton more work to remove all the bits in the way if I can just pull it out from the top.

      Although, to get the bolts on that chunky bracket out, I may have to go in from the bottom. They certainly design these cars for mechanics with lifts!

    6. #6
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      Re: Replacing the alternator

      I'd definitely go at it from the bottom.

    7. #7
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      Re: Replacing the alternator

      Yep, definitely have to get to it from the bottom. Will post pics of the design flaw later on. That piece is not designed to be removed for an alternator replacement, but unfortunately must be, and the only real access is from the bottom.

      Life intervened today, so didn't get to bring jack stands, and the new alternator hadn't arrived besides that, so will update next week.

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      Re: Replacing the alternator

      Here's a pic that hopefully shows my problem. The bottom line indicates the long bolt that holds the alternator to the bracket. The middle thin line shows the path the bolt follows when pulled out (bolt is probably 6-7" long, enough to travel through the length of the alternator). The top large circle shows the bracket that holds up the IM that is blocking the removal of the bolt. I have had the bolt touching this bracket and the alternator is still held fast, the bolt still through the alternator and into the large bracket.

      I have considered 'fixing' this problem by cutting out a V-notch in the bracket, but will have to settle for taking more of the car apart than necessary.

      One further note is that in this picture the alternator is pivoted forward (towards the firewall) so I could clearly see the bolt. I could not push it any further due to the power steering/AC lines being in the way.

    9. #9
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      Re: Replacing the alternator

      I thought there's an online manual somewhere here on the site... no need to pay for one (if you can even find a paper one, I had no luck when I looked earlier this year) and the one online is pretty well organized.
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    10. #10
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      Re: Replacing the alternator

      Thanks, but the manual doesn't help - it says to remove that bolt that cannot be removed.

      Going in tomorrow through the passenger side wheel well, will report back.

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