try not taking out the pivot bolt and taking of the braket to the block, it looks like it you can back them out, together, and take the alt directly off the block.
try not taking out the pivot bolt and taking of the braket to the block, it looks like it you can back them out, together, and take the alt directly off the block.
also, not sure why, but the back of the water pump is all wet? looks like run off or something but i would check into that while your in there.
Yep, that's what I have to do.
There was some leakage from the coolant line attached to the throttle body (not sure why there is a coolant line on the TB). Was just because whoever re-attached it last did not clamp it down. Will resolve when I put stuff back together.
It keeps the throttle from freezing up and sticking.Originally Posted by crazymittens
One more update on this - found out that Canadian Tire was going to remove the entire IM to take out the alternator - evidently they know of this issue. It's terribly disappointing this issue exists - a simple notch in that bracket would have solved everything.Ah well. One last update will come when we're done.
and what is the issue again taking the whole bracket off the block? i have an ecotec so i cant just look.
The issue is simply one of poor engineering on the manufacturer's part - why should we take the entire support bracket off when two bolts will do?
At any rate, the job is done now - required jacking the car up, unbolting the entire bracket, removing from underneath the car. Re-install process the same.
Car is good now...hopefully this thread will save someone else some hassles when it's their turn to do the job.
Summary: Alternator replacement in 2004 Aveo requires removal of large lower support bracket - can only be removed from under the car. Alternate option is to remove entire intake manifold assembly.
the fact is, you were able to get it out without removing the intake; lots of manufacturers place the alternator there, and others put it places where you need to remove all kinds of stuff to get to it.
i think you are so focused on your first attempt, that you are still upset with how easy it actually was,
i just took the alternator out of my 2005 hatchback and crazy is right.. that stupid bracket was in the way of pulling the lower bolt all the way out.. you can only get it out about 3/4 of the way.. i took a dremmel and tried to "notch" the metal but my small cutting wheel busted off.. so i pullit out my 4.5 inch angle grinder.. was able to push some wires out of the way, get in there at a very uncomfortable angle, cross my fingers and cut. i notched it enough i could get a pair of channel locks in there and bend a channel in the bracket so i can get the bolt out.. i bent the bolt trying to get it out so i'm going to get a new grade 8 tomorrow and probably "pursuade" the metal piece a little more so i have plently of clearance.. i didn't want to take the bracket off again if the alternator goes out so i "modified" the bracket for easy removal next time.. other than that metal bracket, the job would take about 30mins.. (removing it from the bottom)
make sure you do an idle relearn when your done putting it all back together. i did my alternator today and had to search for the service manual cuz my engine was idleing so rough i thought my battery was toast. im gonna make a new thread with the link to the online service manual i found so its easy for everyone to find. let me know if you want me to post the relearn procedure so u dont have to search the manual.