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    Thread: Is replacing the power steering reservoir....possible?

    1. #1
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      Is replacing the power steering reservoir....possible?

      Can the power steering fluid reservoir,in a 2006 Aveo, be replaced, without the fluid shooting out under high pressure? I am fairly sure one line has low/no pressure, with the car off. But is the thicker/bigger line under high pressure, even if the car is off? I don't want to take off the clamp from that hose, and get sprayed with fluid, or have it spray all over the engine/car.

      So...does anyone know if either line is under pressure, if the car is off? My reservoir just looks old and black inside, the fluid is new and clean, but it looks black inside, so I want to replace it. Looks like a simple job, the part is cheap, and more fluid is cheap. This is my only issue I am worried about. Thanks.

    2. #2
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Just replaced a power steering reservoir on a Chryser Minivan we use at work and there was no high pressure line going to it. Unless the larger line on yours has a crimped metal end (looks like this https://www.autozone.com/suspension-...ose/262476_0_0) then you can probably remove it without blasting yourself.

      Replacing the reservoir and adding new fluid will make have that nice clean look, until you start the car and the remaining old fluid from the lines mixes with the new and turns it black too, almost instantly I might add.

      Trying to flush the system with the fluid return line off can be exciting too if you aren't ready for how quickly it circulates (I wasn't).

      Good Luck!!!

    3. The Following User Says Thank You to EAD15 For This Useful Post:

      FlaAveo5 (02-22-2018)

    4. #3
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      I appreciate the answer, ill have to look to see if the end is crimped on, or has just the regular clamp on the line. The fluid is nice and pink, it is new. The reservoir is black inside, from 12 years of old fluid in it. Thus the reason I want to replace it. It looks dirty, even with clean fluid in it. So for about $30, i can put in a new one, and know if/when the fluid goes dark again. If i keep it that long and it keeps running that long!

    5. #4
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Only 1 of the hoses is under pressure, but only when the engine is running.
      2004 Aveo beater car
      2005 Aveo LT. 5-speed beater car (DOA)

    6. The Following User Says Thank You to slayerized6 For This Useful Post:

      FlaAveo5 (02-24-2018)

    7. #5
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      Hi. I looked close at the hoses on the power steering reservoir, and the hose on the underside of the reservoir must be under HIGH pressure. It is clamped onto the reservoir with a 'crimped type' clamp. Obviously for HIGH pressure. Not a simple clamp, you know, that I CAN remove with a pair of pliers, or the 'worm drive' type clamp. It is crimped on from the factory,by a robot I am sure. And cant be removed.

      Even IF I can cut it off...at the very end, I don't have a way to replace this special crimped clamp. I assume it is NOT a DIY clamp to put a new one back on. A robot or some special tool must be needed to put it back on. Right?

      So I am looking at a mechanic or the dealer if I want to replace this reservoir, right? Looks like my nice simple/cheap project has hit a high pressure wall. True or dos anyone have some other idea about that special clamp,to replace it myself.

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