You can find it online or check out this
Fuel Pumps, Electric In-Tank - Universal - Free Shipping on Orders Over $99 at Summit Racing
and yes I'm sure
You can find it online or check out this
Fuel Pumps, Electric In-Tank - Universal - Free Shipping on Orders Over $99 at Summit Racing
and yes I'm sure
Go on eBay and search for fuel pump
Interesting. gonna have to start compiling a list soon here.
It's not that much. I've sat and looked over this's lot. The only thing I'm worried about is that turbo bolting up to a stock manifold. That's why I was asking USAFzac if he had tried it and if it worked.
Lol we have totally different worries lol. Nemasys says the clutch won't hold the power, any thoughts on that?
Lol never really looked into it. But looking at the forums I think it'll be fine
What are your worries about the set up?
I think you guys are getting a little carried away in too many tangents...
In regards to fuel pumps and regulators... Yes there are tons of universal ones out there - but it doesn't necessarily mean they will all work or fit. For fuel pumps there are some very common in tank sizes that work across a variety of cars - the best thing to do to confirm which one you have is to actually remove it and take pictures / measurements so that you can match it up properly. You could grab a spare fuel pump assembly from a junkyard Aveo for this testing purpose. Perhaps one of the Aveo guys has already done this ? In my Optra I fit a Walbro 255, but it had to be a certain model with inlet and outlet in a certain orientation.
Here's a quote from my build thread of when I installed my Walbro fuel pump in my Optra ...
Recently I picked up an entire fuel pump assembly with basket at a local wreckers for $45.... the plan being to open it up and find out what kind of pump we can fit in since no one really seems to know, except for Danny, but he doesn't know the specifics. We were able to fit a Walbro 255 with some minor modifications.
First we had to trim inside the bottom "cap" piece that holds the pump from the bottom, getting rid of the ridges and bumps. Next we shortened the outlet of the walbro since the pump was overall slightly longer than the stock unit. That was really all that was needed to make it fit. Electrical connections were identical. Inlet and outlet locations were the same as well, but we had to use the stock filter. There are two versions of the walbro 255, with different offsets of the inlet.... the one with the in & outlet directly in line with each other is what is needed for the Optra.
Walbro 255 left (black plastic) and Stock on the right (white plastic)
Pump basket and location - under the back seat
As for fuel regulators - again there are many universal styles - none of which will be a direct fit for your car. Most modern cars nowadays use a "returnless" style fuel system which means that the regulator is part of the pump basket assembly and is proprietary. The purpose of this is to save cost of running extra lines etc. If you want control of your fuel pressure you will need to convert to the older "return" style fuel system which puts a vacuum controlled regulator up front in the engine bay and requires a fuel return line to be run back to the tank + associated fittings.
Again see my quote below from my own build thread as I did exactly this...
I have decided to convert to a return type fuel system to have complete control over the fuel pressure to be able to run higher boost pressures. This will ensure that the injectors will continue to spray properly atomized. It is also one piece that is required for the future plans
Turbosmart FPR-800 Regulator:
Pump Basket taken apart:
Return Fitting Installed in top of Basket:
Stock In-tank Regulator:
Stock Regulator Blocked Off With Some Quick Welding:
FPR Installed in Engine Bay:
Return Line Installed Under Car:
2004 Optra/Forenza/Lacetti - 225whp - Haltech Sprint500 - CT12B - CCHT P&P - F28 6spd - KW V3 - FX35 Retrofit
2002 IS300 5MT - 615whp - AEM EMS - GT4088R - Built 9.5CR - R154 - TRD LSD - SupraTT T/B - Varex - LS430 Retrofit
i'm worried about the tuning, the fuel pump, and the engine/trans being able to hold an extra 75 hp.
so the garrett gt 1544 turbo is only oil cooled correct? Which means one will not need to run additional coolant lines correct? Just oil lines right? Also, could I install the additional fuel upgrades before the actual turbo build? Ie new injectors, pump, and regulator? Just in preparation of the turbo build.