do these spiral thingys work ... ccessories
do these spiral thingys work ... ccessories
(First off I'm glad I caught you first so I could personally wipe your nose in it)...
If you aren't sure, I feel sorry for you. Sorry because I'm afraid of what else you might have bought from an ebay site that says it can "boost" your engine or whatever...
The absolute answer to your question though is... NO!
And no, it's not "no sometimes" or "no unless you drive it a certain way" ect, it's NO - PERIOD!
I could probably describe to you over a few hours why this wouldn't work, the biggest is that it's not powered by anything other than the intake itself... Which means that the blades only spin as fast as the the air the engine sucks in on it's own. The ebay ad says the blades move at 65k rpm's? That's 1086 revolutions per second, and it spins that fast without some kind of power source? I would love to slap the guy who made those things.
I love the fact that the ebay ad doesn't mention a single thing about how or why it works until the very end at the "FAQ's", and even then it quickly drifts off into how it "spins at 65k rpms", and how it'll "increase your engine performance".
I'll end the bashing there but all you need to know is, if it's not something well known in the auto industry, like something that news stations feature on a regular basis, that auto makers are considering to add to their vehicles or if professional cars do it, then you should use that. In other words, if people in NASCAR, NHRA, USHRA, or anybody else who's JOB it is to increase performance in a vehicle does it, then it's good to do, if not, then STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"If I parked a T-72 tank in my back yard, aimed the cannon towards Mexico, and muttered something
about protecting my village from an invasion, the police would show up and probably haul me away."
how about this ... 46c3ce8bff
I believe someone had fun with this guy (maximumboost) too... I'd stay away.
I leased Pontiac Wave from September 2006 to August 2011.
Hey it looks like a bad Tornado!
what other options do i have? i already have a cai and an exhaust system.
There are lots of options but it depends on how much you wanna spend. You could do an engine swap, throw on a turbo, tune it all and end up with a car that would probably still get beat by a lot of things on the street. Bottom line is that it's a fuel efficient, economic, daily commuter car that isn't meant to have performance. And if you do have the money to do all of that, I'd start with a better car.
"What other options do I have?"
...Not much...
Why? Because nobody in the performance world takes this car seriously. The Toyota Yaris is taken more seriously than the Aveo, and it's smaller and more powerful and better made than the Aveo. Why is that? Because 90% of the people who own an Aveo are people who have no intentions to improve it's performance, and that results in no market interest, that means that even if we were to gather up everyone on this forum and those who want to make their Aveo better, would barely even cause a stir to companies who make performance stuff.
I'm sorry but that's the truth, if you want a car easy to upgrade, get a Civic.
Also I personally wouldn't trust that turbo setup unless I actually saw it on an Aveo, all it gives you is a pic of all the parts that just "says" it goes for an Aveo, that kit could have come from anywhere and they could have just made a cheap little header easy to make and stuck it with the kit, sure it *might* fit, but it just *might* blow up and destroy your car. There's this theme in the Aveo universe and it's called "universal"... Universal means it'll fit any car but it wasn't made for that specific car.
...Hopefully that "performance filter" you have on your air intake wasn't cheap, or you got it from ebay, otherwise you are in trouble... Because those cheap filters filter out pretty much anything bigger than a rock, but anything smaller than that goes into your engine. Because I once had such a filter and I had my engine checked and they found a bunch of black soot and fine particulates that the filter didn't catch and reduced the performance. Get a K&N...
Look at my profile for all my topics I've made and replied to for my experiences and knowledge...
If you wan't to be a good car guy, be a smart consumer, do your research and be smart, don't trust anything you hear without at least looking into it.
"If I parked a T-72 tank in my back yard, aimed the cannon towards Mexico, and muttered something
about protecting my village from an invasion, the police would show up and probably haul me away."
ive always gone by this motto for car parts, if it seems to good to be true, then it is.
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.
this is my intake and filter ... ccessoriesOriginally Posted by g0ast